
Is former Gov. George Pataki correct: community organizer isn't a real job ?

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According to the New York Observer:

September 3, 2008

ST. PAUL-Former governor George Pataki doesn't think too much of Barack Obama's post-college, biography-anchoring work in Chicago as a community organizer.

"He was a community organizer. What in God's name is a community organizer? I don't even know if that's a job," he said. He received laughter and applause.




  1. It sounds to me like not enough experience to run this entire country full of so many issues to take care of.  We're talking about The United States of America; foreign relations and policies,  Homeland security, Immigration, government laws and policies, the economy and so much more, there's just so much here and it shouldn't be taken like a gamble.  Plus, don't forget that this country is very diversified and it's not all about one group.

  2. Look it up. Better hurry , dont you have to writ e your Sunday morning sermon.????

  3. haha. I love it. Obama doesn't have what it takes to be president.  

  4. According to this article in The Nation, Obama moved to Chicago in 1985, a little more than a year after he graduated from Columbia University in NYC. He was 24 years old. He was hired by Jerry Kellman, a Chicago organizer, to lead the Developing Communities Project (DCP), which would target African American neighborhoods on Chicago’s South Side by working with African American churches in the area. During Obama’s time as a community organizer, Harold Washington was serving as Chicago’s first black mayor. This was a source of hope and inspiration for Obama and other blacks and progressives in the city. In terms of concrete accomplishments, Obama and “hundreds of other organizers” were not able to transform the South Side neighborhoods or bring in new industries to provide jobs. Obama’s most commonly cited achievement was in forcing the city to begin testing for asbestos in all city apartments. The work did have a powerful impact on Obama himself.

    So I guess if the biggest concern you want our President to face is asbestos, Obama's your man

  5. yes

  6. I think the fact that a governor doesn't know what a community organizer is (or at least pretends to not know) says more about the person than the job. Pataki is obviously ignorant and glib. You'd think some one is such a high position would be more educated. But then, Palin only has a BA in Journalism, so education probably isn't one of the key requirements for being governor.

  7. i have never heard or seen one, who knows?

  8. George Pataki is just towing his party's line by belittling Obama's hardwork helping communities.  Give me another source besides a Repub partisan and then we'll talk.

    And to think these are the same people who get all butthurt when someone belittles Palin's vast experience as mayor of a town of 9000, PTA member and city council member.

  9. Nope, the community he organized had 20 times more people than the entire state of Alaska.  

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