
Is formula better for a baby than breastmilk from a cigarette smoker?

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My friend has a 1 month old, and she is very fussy. She smokes cigarettes (outside, never around the baby) and nurses.

Would it be better for that baby to be on formula than to get the nicotine through the breast-milk? Or is it so scarce that breast-milk is still better?

Serious answers please -- I know, I know, she should QUIT smoking period. She did quit while pregnant. Which is awesome. Too bad she couldn't keep it up. On average - 4 to 5 cigs a day.




  1. thats a good question, breast is still best, cigaretts dont affect the breastmilk, only bloodstream and lungs.

  2. I would say breast milk is still the best thing for her baby...

  3. it would be best if she quit and it would definitely help if she could cut down even more, but it's better for the child of a smoker to be breastfed than to be formula fed.

    "Tobacco smoking by mothers is not a contraindication to breastfeeding, but health care professionals should advise all tobacco-using mothers to avoid smoking within the home and to make every effort to wean themselves from tobacco as rapidly as possible."

    mterry85: the problem is that the children are still exposed to the dangers of smoking if their mother smokes.  the smoke is on her clothes and in her hair and on her hands.  breastfeeding can protect the baby from those toxins.  the amount that passes into the breastmilk isn't enough to cancel out those benefits.  if the choice were between being breastfed by a smoker or being raise by someone who didn't smoke but formula fed, it might not be as clear.  if the parent is going to be a smoker anyway, the child should be breastfed.

  4. You're right- it really is best that she quit.  But I can't judge because I have an occasional cigarette myself.

    But to answer your question, it is better to breastfeed and smoke than it is to formula feed and smoke(makes you wonder about formula....).

    Want scientific research?

  5. oh god yes.... Your friend should put the baby on formula. When it comes to a baby their is no such thing as doing little harm.

    Good luck to your friend.

  6. Breastmilk is still better, i smoke and breastfeed but never around my son and i make sure i wash my hand an freshen my breath before i pick him up.

  7. Only smoking 4-5 cigarettes a day will not affect the breast milk. It is best if she nurse's and then smokes -this will give her body 2 hours to burn off the nicotine in the cigarette.  

  8. I am really surprised at the answers. I am a huge advocate of nursing, but I personally thought formula would be better than a baby receiving toxins through breast milk. Perhaps that is just my ignorance of lack of knowledge on the topic.

  9. I can't believe everyone is actually saying it's better to smoke and breastfeed than to feed your child formula. What are the effects of an adult smoking cigarettes? The children are getting the same effects! Cigarettes are just as addictive as any drug out there, and their babies are going to be addicted to the nasty chemicals in the cigarettes.

    Edit: I think all you people giving me the thumbs down are smoking and breastfeeding. That shows a lot.

  10. she may not be doing whats best for her health but at least she is doing whats best for baby's health. there could be worse substances she could be using while breastfeeding. kudos to her for breastfeeding.

  11. Smoking could decrease milk production. There is a possibility of lower levels of Vitamin C in her milk. Her baby could be more at risk for nausea and colic. She should at least try to decrease the amount of cigarettes she smokes a day. Breastmilk is still best for her baby.  

  12. Most of the risks of having a smoking mother come from the second hand smoke in the skin/hair/clothes, not the breastmilk.  Breastmilk actually counteracts some of the risks.  Basically it's better for a baby to receive breastmilk from a smoker than formula from a smoker.  Numerous studies have shown this.  People who advise otherwise are uneducated on the subject.

  13. omg..i love this question.  i'm dying to see what other people say.  my vote is to keep breastfeeding.  many babies are fussy in the beginning.

  14. Read the following links.  They deal with breast feeding and nicotine.

  15. As long as she smokes after feeding, and waits 60-90 minutes between smoking and feeding. It is ok to smoke while breast feeding. Better for the baby still too.  

  16. i would think breast milk, but why don't u ask her if u can smell it, to see if it smells like smoke.  that would be ur best bet, if ur a smoker to, wash ur nostrils to get the smell out. sounds weird, but i bet u will be able to smell if there is a hint of nicotine in it.

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