
Is france as open to foreign migrants like america? is racial discrimination still occuring explicitly?

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Is france as open to foreign migrants like america? is racial discrimination still occuring explicitly?




  1. Yes they are and they do have a large discrimination problem with middle easterners.

  2. we are certainly more open to foreign migrants than USA, but like your country we have some problems with discrimination.

    Everybody has his chance to make his life,like USA, and we have black, middle eastern secretaries ,black TV journalists.........

    We respect more the personality of each migrant :his identity, religion,language , more in USA.

    Our country is ,certainly,more respectful than yours

  3. No they are not as open to immigrants as is the United States and immigration is at least as controversial a topic in France as it is in America today.

    The issue of racism will elicit a wide range of opinions.

    On the one hand, France historically treated non-white visitors far better than the United States. Many famous African American artists, writers and performers made their home in Paris in the days when segregation and white supremacy were in full control of America.

    On the other hand, that was quite some time ago and things have changed both in the USA and in France.

    In America the Civil rights struggle while not entirely successful has still seen African Americans become prominent in every role of public life.

    Even the smallest TV station in the American South now has Black news reporters and anchor persons. Contrast this with France where, until recently there were NO Blacks serving as TV news people. Today, as I understand it, there is only one.

    African Americans hold prominent positions in American government. The Secretary of State is a Black woman, there are Blacks in the congress and Senate, and a Black man is a serious contender for the President of the USA. In France there are simply none. No Blacks holding important executive posts. No Blacks representing Metropolitan France in the legislature. No Blacks with any political influence at all.

    A cynic (and I admit to being one) might note that the French never had a problem with Black celebrities in the days when there were essentially no non-whites in France. These days they find they have a large non-white population and their atitude has, as a practical matter, changed dramatically.

    The most illustrative anecdote I can relate is a discussion I had with a Frenchmen who argued that France was very tolerant and that it even had a non-white running for Presdient. When I asked who this non white was he named Sarkozy (who subsequently became president). When I protested that Sarkozy was white he indignantly pointed out that he was of Hungarian descent and then asserted that Hungarians are non-white. It seems to me that says something important.

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