
Is freak wintertime tornados another indication of global warming?

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  1. Are freak blizzards a sign as well?

  2. Since this Winter has been unusually cold, I don't see the connection. We did have a couple of warm days just before the tornadoes, then another cold front hit the south and when cold fronts hit warm fronts there is a potential for tornadoes.

    We haven't had very many warm days since October though.

  3. Tornadoes can happen anytime but are mainly seen from March to May in the Southern States and in Summer in the Northern States.

    Of course they can be seen anytime the weather fits their formation with warmer wet air near the surface of the earth and cold air sitting above it.  

    I don't feel that you can use wintertime tornadoes as an indication of global warming.  It is often a case of cold and warm colliding in the same area which happens sometimes.

  4. Wouldn't it be interesting if we are on the end of the warming trend?

    Coldest winter in China in over 100 years

    Al Gore was predicting an ice age in the early 70's.

    What happened.

    Rachel Carson in "Silent Spring" predicted pesticides would decimate nature with a poison named DDT

    Earlier Scientists predicted people would die if a train went over 20 mph as they would suffocate at that speed.

  5. No i dont think so. But when its warm and its not supposed to be then you know global warming is coming and close but when it snows alot and its not supoosed to then you know the weather is trying the fight globla warming off. Who knows?

  6. Nope, there have been winter tornados since before I was born .  Here is a link for tornado events in select states going back to 1950.  As you can see winter tornados in the south are not "unusual".  As you travel north frequency diminishes, as one would expect.

  7. No...

  8. no, there have probably been outbreaks in winter months before.  I do have to say though, 70 tornados is quite an outbreak for winter.  I did think it was wierd when there were tornados in wisconsin/minnesota earlier this winter, but how do we know they didnt happen when we werent here yet?

  9. So many heads buried in the sand to avoid the obvious pollution problems is the biggest indicator of all.

  10. Everything is a sign of global warming.

  11. The presence of water vapour in the air is an indication of heat energy required to evaporate the water.  The presence of more water vapor would indicate more heat.

    When we see very large rainfall, very large snowfall, we know that represents a lot of water vapor, a lot of heat being transfered with that water vapor.

    But it also represents condensation. the water vapor is cooling enough to cause condensation to start, cloud formation. With cloud formation of course we see the clouds  giving off the heat that was supplied to evaporate the water. That heat is delivered way up in the cloud, and it makes the air around it very light so that it goes up through very cold air very quickly.

    It is the presence of heat in water vapour and cold air above, that provides the energy that makes a wind powerful.

  12. No...they had them 100 years ago, too.

  13. A trend over 10 or 20 or 30 years means nothing on a rock 5 billion years old, and since our records go back no more than 100 years for DETAILED weather events, it is very difficult to detect a "trend" in the "noise."

    We've had a two year trend of QUIET in the Atlantic during Hurricane Season - is this Global Warming at work?

    We've had the coldest January in 10 years - is THIS Global Warming at work?

    We have RECORD levels of Antarctic Sea Ice for January - is THIS Global Warming?

    The whole question about "one off" events is ridiculous.

  14. no,,, they had these storms 60 year ago!

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