
Is free PC internet TV real or a hoax?

by  |  earlier

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I saw this "" thing, but I can't believe that it's real. I want to watch baseball but that doesn't warrant buying cable. What's the catch?




  1. It is for real.

    Basically IP based TV.

    Its getting big in the European Community.  In the US, the cable providers are trying to do one big last stand to stop it.

    We truly would already be there, but the Internet is going to reach a point where it will really get bogged down when more and more people use broad band to its full potential.

    I guess a big test will be now during the olympics as people stream live events from China!

  2. The catch is that sumtimes it gets slow it all depends on ur server if u hav a slow server u'l hardly get signals.

  3. you really haven't looked hard enough.

  4. I don't know if its a hundred percent legit but you do have to buy it. It says you can download it but you have to pay to download it. After that i guess its free.

  5. you can find it easily....some baseball teams even broadcast games on their site i believe.

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