
Is freedom of speech dead on y answers?.

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iposted a legitimate question on why can we believe in religion and the question was removed , it raised valid issues but it seems youcan question any thing except religion., is this the achilles heel of this site and is it of any use if valid questions are to be censored. p.s. i do respect every bodys right to follow any religion they wish to.




  1. The irony is that restrictions on the site are imposed just as much by bigots with closed minds who report you at the drop of a hat as by the actual people who run the site.

    I know it all costs money but I think there should be far more scrutiny of members complaints, rather than actual postings.


  3. Yea mate you are pretty much on to it, Everyone no matter their Race, Colour or Creed has a valid right to their opinion.

    I posted a Q abour old jokes using info from an officially documented News Site, Guess what---- It was deleted in miniutes.

    I am Spectre, I will hunt down Yahoois trollensis. The only thing I fear is pulling the trigger and hearing-------Click

  4. I know how you feel.All my questions get removed,even news related ones.Try re-posting it in R&S.

  5. It does seem that a lot of religion based questions get removed, but then I guess they have their terms and conditions to follow as well as a team of Lawyers who helped set them up! I have also seen a lot of ok looking s*x based questions removed too, whereas others which are very explicit are left on, so there's no saying what they'll remove. People are very scared at present of causing offence and inflaming unstable people, and I expect Yahoo don't want to get dragged into a row. I do agree though that it's a shame in a way, although you can argue forever about religion and never get anywhere.

    Personally, although I was brought up as a Catholic, I view religion as the cause of most trouble in the world. I prefer now to be 'spiritual not religious'. I don't follow rules made up by other humans, I just try to do the right thing (I have to say too that I don't know any religious people who are actually nice).

  6. has it ever been alive.

  7. you cant have an oppinion on here before it gets reported

  8. Let's hope it is not!

  9. If someone doesn't agree they report you.

    Freedom of speech is lost.

  10. Yes it is dead as far as Yahoo is concerned under the leadership of Jerry Yang.

    Yesterday I lost about 84 points because I criticised Jerry Yang and his stupid policy of not being able to say that regular bonking for a depressed woman is good for her.

    Now you better read this before they delete it because I have mentioned Jerry Yang in my message.

  11. I don't think the freedom of speech is dead on here. If you saw the amount of absolute garbage idiots and trolls put on here, then you would agree I think. However, the right to make a valid point, question, etc can not only be garbaged by the dimlows that can veto what you say, they give power to trolls to do it too! It's no wonder people ask 'Shall I eat another cake? or, 'I have found a spider, what should I call him?' as they are the only things that you'll get an answer for!

    They should change the name.

    YAHOO-ANSWERS!!!!! (Not that one.)

  12. Yes, I ask questions based on news and they dont even appear on the list of questions asked.  this site does not belong to me or you so how can you get upset when the owner of the site regulates it?

    i dont complain because i can always make my own site...but i like this one enough that i'll stay right here.

  13. report is a terrible button.

  14. Freedom of speech here never existed. Yahoo saw to that from the beginning. Plus Yahoo has it's own people on here monitoring what questions and answers that will be allowed. This is an electronic Fahrenheit 451.

  15. Freedom of speech is long dead and buried my friend,you cannot have an honest opinion on Y/A,not just religion,but EVERYTHING ! If you have a strong opinion on any subject,and voice your own perception of it without contravening the "community" guidelines,your answer or question MAY  still get removed. I've been called almost everything under the sun for my opinion,had my Qs' & As' removed,even my account "suspended"-ie removed.

    Freedom of speech is OK as long as Yahoo says it is.

  16. Yes, it does seem freedom of speech on here is most certainly dead.


  17. Yes, its dead but not fully buried. A few get through but the "freedom of speech" Police are watching!  So Beware!!!  

    P.S. I am truly fed up with Q/A's punctuation prompt keep interupting me!!!

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