
Is freezing yourself possible so you can wake up in the future?

by Guest59519  |  earlier

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Is freezing yourself possible so you can wake up in the future?




  1. I do not think so I would think that would be called Cryogenic...something.... Once your heart has completely stopped seems as if your brain would move from coma to dead.... I do not forsee a way to revive...orr thaw someone back out without damaging the tiny vessels and nerve endings that are closer to the surface of the skin...There is no "microwave safe for humans" and you can not use de-icer in the body without a chemical death occuring. Looks like we can only use temp. to extend the life of organs and blood until trasnplant.....for now at least.

  2. no u would feeze to death

  3. People have been frozen. The science is called cryogenics. Nobody has ever been revived as far as I know.

  4. Freezing a person and not killing them is possible if said person is frozen fast enough and the freezing uniformed (Umm don't try this at home by the way for obvious reasons. :P ). However an even bigger issue is de-frosting the "freezies" without killing them, which is currently beyond human technology. The problem lies with the reality that organic tissue is mainly made of fluids, organic tissue also shrinks when frozen, and gases tend to crystalises when subjected to extreme cold that would be needed to flash freeze someone. Given these conditions, as someone gets thawed out, their cells, fluids, and gases regain their previous or near previous states at various degrees as energy is re-introduced to the subject.

    Due to variable factors, cells may bursts, blood vessels may get shredded by ice crystals, and gases may shatter organs. You'll most likely get a gooey mess that's pretty unpleasant. Not to say the least that the subject will be dead. Also trying to get a uniformed level of energy through out the entire body would most likely burn the body up.

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