
Is freon dangerous??

by  |  earlier

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I have a glass pipe that is filled with freon that i bought a while back at ozzfest.. well i just tried to unclog it by sticking a bobby pin through the carb a little to forcefully and punctured the glass.. there is now liquid freon leaking out of it.. what should i do? is that bad? im freaking out.. help!




  1. no

  2. Yes it's dangerous, it's poision if you inhale it. My suggestion is throw it outside and let it continue to leak, when it's done leaking, throw it away. You don't want to breath it in.

  3. yes and it is bad for the enviorment.

    On top of that it is an EPA violation to discharge that in open air


    freon is very very bad. it can freeze your lungs the first time you inhale it. it is posion, that's all there is to it.

  5. yes even a kindergardener could figure that out

  6. Freon is heavier then oxygen. If you breath to much it will settle in the bottom of your lungs and could cause suffocation. You would have to inhale an extreme amount of freon.  you should be fine. If you get light headed, go straight to the ER and explain to them what has happened.

  7. it's also bad for the ozone layer

  8. **** yes it is, pay for a new pipe, or cut off the freon.

  9. YES it is like poison  

  10. Yes,  It can be if used improperly.

  11. Freon is ok. just wash it off. if you leave it your fingers too long you can get frost bite. freon is used to make ac in cars cold. DO NOT TRY TO GET HIGH WITH IT. YOU CAN DIE.

  12. No, it isn't like poison. Biologically, it's quite benign. It's very bad for the ozone, however, so in the future, try not to puncture anything that contains freon. Usually, of course, it's found in refrigerators and air conditioners.

  13. Actually It is a chemical unlike poison which is a biologic killer. It freezes things rapidly and could kill you due to the reaction. It was used in cars up until about 92' it is illegal to manufacture so you won't be able to find any anymore.

  14. throw it away unless you dont like having brain cells


    yeah freons dangerous...poison control

  16. The freon will freeze your skin if it comes in contact with it. Some are dangerous when they come in contact with an open flame. They turn into fozgene  gas, which is a poison that collects in your body.  

  17. get rid of it! now

  18. I believe all freons are gaseous at room temperature and normal pressure, so those that have admonished you not to get the liquid on your skin are correct in that you can get frostbite from its rapid evaporation.  Inhaling small quantities of freon gas is not harmful to you.  That was the original idea for its invention.  It is heavier than air, though, and will settle into low places, displacing the air there, and becomming a suffocation hazard.  I can't imagine the small amount you're talking about posing too much danger that way, either.  Freon is so remarkably inert chemically and its combustion products so dangerous that special detection wands have been designed to detect it.  The wand, which resembles a stick of punk, is lit, and a particular change in the color of its smok will indicate the presence of freon without burning enough of the gas to represent a hazard.
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