
Is freshman P.E difficult?

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Like... whats harder about it? If it is.

I hear its almost the same as 8th grade (just with a swim unit)


Its extremely difficult.

which is it?




  1. What's hard for some is easy for others, even from one unit to the next, never mind one grade to the next.  The hardest part for me was the lockerroom and showers bit.  

  2. Freshmen P.E. is easy, just hope your comfortable with changing in front of 50 other people, and sometimes you gotta do a small writing assignment but its not much different than middle school

  3. It pretty much just depends on who your gym teacher is. I thought it was basically the same as 8th grade maybe a little easier

  4. How is P.E. at any level difficult...for anyone. As long as you show up you'll get a B.

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