
Is gandhi really the father of nation. i heard that he is the one who supports rich people in congress.?

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and also led to partitision. even had illegal contacts. is it true or not




  1. Yes, he was responsible for India getting Its full statehood sovereignty and getting rid of Imperialist atrocities. He was also initiated by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda.

  2. I really don't know. I am a Pakistani but I have great respect for Mahatma Gandhi because he also assisted us to get freedom even if Muhammad Ali Jinnah and they were in the opposite leagues and were against each other.

  3. He is the father of the Nation. Rich and Poor are both Indians. He gave the word "Harizan" and tried to remove untocuchability. He worked for uplift of the poor. He might have visited the houses of rich persons. Simply for that reason one can not say that he supported the rich. See the film Gandhi. or read the Auto biography  of Gandhi " My Experiments with Truth". Your question will not arise.

  4. He seemed all right to me. But I just saw a movie and didn't actually meet him. I have met people from India who say the image of him most people have is propaganda. My opinion is that he was a great man none the less. I do not think you have to be against rich people, that is if the rich people got rich honestly and not through lies and corruption.

  5. ya he is the father of the nation but he could save bhagat singh but he didn't

  6. Gandhiji Is the person who started Dandi Satyagraha (Dandi march / Salt satyagraha) to divert peoples mind away from independence movement ?

    Was Dandi March so necessary and more Important than Independence agitation at that time? Why did he try to divert Independence movement?

    See the Parts of India where there was no Congress got Independence before 15-aug-1947.

    First Independence war started in 1857 , Congress passed resolution for full Independence in 1941 , that also after pressure from 14 more parties which were fighting for independence. Congress should not claim for the credit for indipendance.

    In 1887 , Britishers to curb Indians independence feelings started Congress with objectives

    a)Indians should accept British Rule.

    b) If Indians want anything, they should send applications to Britishers through proper channel (The proper channel according Britishers is Congress)

    Is congress a , nationalist Party? It was Britishers' processing agent

    The nationalist Parties which were demanding Full Independence tactically started demanding for Independence through Congress. These Nationalis parties used all channels to get independence .These parties sacrificed their identity for Nation not Congress. For this they Joined in Congress ( though Congress was britishers agent).Congress had no relation with independence.

    Gandhi’s personal secretary was britisher. During world war Gandhiji asked Indians to join in Britishers’ army. Actually at that time Britishers were week any small pressure from congress would have provided independence for us. But Gandhi was against that.

    Subhas Bose was elected as president for congress , he was demanding for independence. That is why the British agents in congress ( Including Gandhi) did not co-operate with Bose. Bose vexed with these agents of congress and left congress and provided independence for some areas of India ( Like Andaman) before 15-aug-1947.

    3 months ago

    Some people still had hope of getting independence through Congress through pressure.

    Congress took-over and merged all nationalistic parties into it and delayed Independence.

    The parties which were not part of Congress relatively smaller in size did not have voice for Independence.

    But Congress had no intention for demanding Independence .That is why Congress delayed the resolution for Full independence and finally because of the pressure of the other parties in Kakinada meetings Congress accepted.

    Congress is a big cheater.

    To make Nehru as PM , they divided India.

    Nehru is the most inefficient PM . In five wars with neighbor countries India was defeated twice , both the times Nehru was Prime Minister.

    Still this Sonia gang says “ OUR CONGRESS GAVE INDEPENDENCE”

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