
Is gasohol a viable alternative to conventional petrol mixtures for cars?

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Is gasohol a viable alternative to conventional petrol mixtures for cars?




  1. No gasohol is nothing but a joke!

  2. gasohol is 20% ethanol and 80% gasoline, this is a standard car fuel in Brazil, with it's vast supply of suger cane, which is the cheapest source of ethanol.

    Gasohol is more or less equivalent to Gasoline.

    Gasohol is not the solution, from the aspect of global warming, because it only replaces 20% of the gasoline, and because to grow more sugar cane, more rain forest is to be cut down.

  3. No, the US cannot produce enough ethanol to sustain gasohol for the whole country.

  4. no, the only TRULY viable alternative is to get rid of fossil fuels altogether. anything you burn poisons the atmosphere. it was recently reported on the news that corn based fuels such as ethanol are bad for the environment after all. something that green peace & others like them have said from the beginning.

    there are electric cars that have been invented that will not be allowed to be sold for a long time. the oil companies know that they are fighting a losing battle which is why they are coming out with gas/electric hybrids. the longer they keep TOTAL electric vehicles off the market the longer it will take for their stock prices to bottom out.


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