
Is gasoline really dinosaur flesh?

by Guest67073  |  earlier

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Is gasoline really dinosaur flesh?




  1. You're close. It's not exactly their flesh but it's really their blood.

  2. well if you think about it in great detail, yes!

    because gasoline is a natural resource which is made from dead animals and plants that have formed it over millions of years. so originally dinosaurs may have decomposed to make part of it but it's probably such a minute amount in comparison to the decomposed plants, that it's not even traceable

  3. Gasoline (better yet oil) is made from prehistoric plants not animals or flesh.

    I think the word "prehistoric" confused some people and they forgot to add plants at the end.

    Or maybe as a joke they just kept saying it was from dinosaurs.

    But It is from plants and there are plants we can grow today to make oil.

    Our next biofuel will come from Sargasso seaweed, a plant.

  4. not `just`

  5. i dont think so......

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