
Is genuine communism - a moneyless stateless community of free access and volunteer labour - a possibility ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Sure, but it would take cultural transformation.

    If the mass media in your country is funded by people trying to get people to "buy, buy, buy", then the result is that the majority of the people in your country will have "buy, buy, buy" as their life goals.

    If the mass media in your country is controlled by people telling you to worship Thor the Thunder God, then the result is that the majority of the people in your country will be Thorists.

    Convincing people to volunteer their labor is similar to convincing people to buy stuff.  It just takes marketing.  Some ad agencies will be better than others.

    Of course, I'm not calling for forced brainwashing of a nation.  I would prefer it if the mass media were democratically controlled.  If they vote to brainwash themselves to enjoy their work, then I'd be perfectly happy with that.

  2. no, because people are selfish by nature

  3. Michael Albert


    "Parecon: Life After Capitalism"

    finds fault with Communism too,

    but offers an alternative,

    a "Participatory Economy"

  4. everything is possible on earth. but you are referring to a social system and that is a different one. maybe you can put it like this,

    1. communism will only be attain ONLY IF 70% - 80% of the world is already a socialist country.

    2. since communism is an IDEAL society, social needs will be provided by the government.

    3. money still exist in communism NOT UNLESS the world agrees to set aside money and make a new system of trade.

    as to your question, it is possible but we all have to face the consequences of sacrifices and death. Even the thought of not owning anything....

  5. No, money is everything. Money represents value, if there is no value then theres no purpose in a common good.

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