
Is germany a stress free and peaceful country?

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Is germany a stress free and peaceful country?




  1. "Peaceful" for sure, but certainly not "stress-free" (especially not on their highway racing tracks....).

    You can really ENJOY life there! But it helps if you speak german!!

  2. The big cities are very stress full, the vacation time stressfull, when the kids having summer break or German holidays, Autobahn is full. But there is so many places, you can having peaceful weekends. So much green, forest, little towns, mountains, lakes. It's very pretty.

  3. yes, only slightly more so than the US. Americans have more work, longer hours, less vacation time - while in Europe, the same hours will get you the same time off. They certaintly know how to relax over there. European companies get paid stidpends from the government to give their employees extra time off. It's a capitalist country, but not nearly as greedy capitalist as the US. Germany still makes time for play.

    No country is really 100% safe right now compared with the crazy terrorists attacks right now.

  4. Hi,

    what country is really stress free and peaceful, tell me?

    I've lived in Europe and the States, am currently in Germany, and all I can tell you is that they all have their advantages and disadvantages. Wisdom of the day haha.

    Germany can be pretty relaxed

    a) if you are

    b) if you have enough time

    c) if you don't get involved with bureaucracy (like being a non EU-citizen and wanting a work permit or something like that, or even worse: spend only half the year working here but need to pay taxes, uaghh!)

    wishing you loads of luck, wherever you are


  5. A holiday in Germany can be as stressful or as peaceful as you want - it is all up to you and what you plan to do.

    Peaceful would be a stay on one of the smaller islands in the North Sea in winter - no car traffic, no other tourists, nothing but the dog barking and the postboat bringing in supplies.

    Stressful would be a 7 day whirlwind tour of the Black Forest, Neuschwanstein, Heidelberg, Rothenburg o.T., the Romantic Road, Frankfurt a. M. and Munich.

    Personally I think that Germany is no more stressful than any other country in the world. It all depends upon you and your circumstances.

  6. It depends on what you are looking for. If you want to go on a stress free and relaxing vacation in Germany, you can certainly do that very easily.

    If you live and work in Germany, life will be just as stressful as it is in any other modern society. I lived in Frankfurt for many years working for a large banking firm. My life was extremely stressful and Frankfurt is a very congested and busy city. Germany definitely is not all villages and castles, and I think sometimes people get the wrong impression. It's the number three economy in the world after the USA and Japan. You don't get to that level by just having peaceful, picturesque villages.

    So to answer your question: yes...and no. :)

  7. yeah's the same like here in America.....

  8. Yes it sure is I was born there and love it you can get on a train and go anywhere and you can get on a boat and just ride gently down the river seeing sights along the way. I love it there very much. it's nice once your there you don't want to leave. you can go to france, england, spain anywhere you want just jump on a train and go.

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