
Is getting a 3 year old a BB gun safe?

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my kid keeps begging me that he wants a BB gun AK-47 for his birthday he claims it's safe and all his friends have one so...?




  1. NO NO NO he should be atleast 8-9 b4 u get him a airsoft gun give him some lectures on how theyre are dangerous. also those parents of ur son's friends probably feel pretty foolish and regret it so dont make the same mistake they already have.

  2. get it.  maybe he will harm only the fool who bought it.


  3. THATS pretty stupid i dont think he is responsible enough...

  4. Thats way to soon. He's still a baby.Granted kids today are more grown up for their age,But get him a gun that shoots soft darts or something.Theirs alot out their.My grandson has also wanted one for a long time in oct. he'll be 8 so i may get him one this year but even at that,he'll always be under adult supervisoin.Kids even at this age don't know the dangers.He'll be taken alot of lessons trust me

  5. no... im pretty sure thats not a good idea

  6. NO NO NO.

    An AK-47 BB gun??? Dude im 13 and thats too dangerous for ME!!!

    HES 3??!! If anything buy him a Nerf dart gun!!

    When hes 5 Buy him an Airsoft gun. Airsofts shoot plastic BB's that leave some pretty good size welts. They Sting like a mother......

    I would give him MANY lectures on the safety of guns. When he is 6-7 buy him a Daisy Red Ryder. They are the most popular BB gun for little kids. They arent that powerful, but can still break skin.

    He's only 3. If his friends have Machine-gun BB guns, he needs some new friends. (No offense)

  7. No, I wouldn't give my three year old child a BB gun. You need him to learn the risks involving guns, and teach him how to handle them before getting him a BB gun. I would start with a Nerf Dart gun at his age, when he's 5 (if he's still interested in guns) buy him an Air Soft gun (much safer then BB guns), and if you think he's responsible enough at age 8 buy him a BB gun. You really have to put a lot of thought into these things to insure your child's safety.

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