
Is getting a Home Theater Power Center important to have?

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I'm planning on upgrading to a 60" plasma TV,Amplifier,and Blu-Ray HD player.I also would be connecting 2 powered speakers with built-in sub-woofers and a DVD/VCR recorder.Would getting one of those 8 outlet power centers that sell at Best Buy,etc. for around 2- 3 hundred dollars make any improvement in the quality of the picture and/or sound? If not then would any multi outlet power strip do?




  1. I love how people with no empirical data weigh in on a matter specifically your investment.

    Here is the low down on most surge protectors. Most use a MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) it is placed in parallel to the circuit these have rating of conduction, most in surge protectors are right around 130V give that any UL products need to pass a 30V swing in under over voltage. Problem with this design is that the MOVs need to bias every half-second and are slow response. Plus that the Parallel design means that if the MOV is damaged it no longer will function, BUT the strip will still provide power! YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHEN IT IS DAMAGED.

    Monster uses a modified transorb set up that is superior in the response time, it does not need to bias every half second, and if the protection circuit is somehow damaged the strip will not function. So your equipment is always protected.

    I would say that most equipment at best buy would not benefit to a margin most would see, but it there. The primary reason to get one is the absolute dirty and transient filled power that for some reasons most company’s feel is necessary. Given too that most consumer devices are marketed at such a price point most will dispose rather than fix means the manufactures cut corners and design more marginal circuitry every day, and it only gets worse.

    I would recommend getting one that provides a good joule rating (watts per second, joules, should exceed a 10 to 1 ratio of nominal current draw) a system you describe should be about 3000 joules peak of protection.

    BTW belkin and others use a "protection light" but the circuit is still parallel and all MOVs must be faulty to show an issue. So the protection will degrade over time.

    Contact with me with any father questions.

    EDIT: Below is the model I would recommend for your use. I would add that any model you want to get should have a lifetime product warranty and a connected equipment warranty.

  2. All you really need to know is that you have a UL certified power strip that has a high joule rating.  APC, Belkin and Tripplite are all reputable brands without the "Monster" markup.  Save your money.

  3. Yeah, don't buy any of that Monster c**p, it has been proven that Monster is no better than any average cable. They just make their stuff look fancy so you'll buy it. All you need is a decent surge protector to protect your equipment(shouldn't cost more than $50). The only reason you would need a power conditioner was if you had a subwoofer that hummed constantly(since electricity is cycled at 60Hz in the US). Just DON"T BUY MONSTER!

  4. "42" is right, Especially if you live in Arizona. I have talked to many electricians and have worked in the CE industry for years. There is "snake-oil" out there but everyone of them I have talked to always recommend power conditioning. You should check out the Panasonic Pepsi taste they had done with two plasmas. both left on for X amount of hours one with and one without a power conditioner. Some interesting results. Is it snake oil again? You tell me.

    P.S. "Yeah, don't buy Monster"

    You can quote me on that

  5. I would say that you won't notice any quality difference with those super expensive power strips.  The only thing that I can imagine would help is more surge protection.  I have a $25 power strip that has extra surge protection over a standard power strip and works great.  It also protects from surges through your TV cable.  I think that a quality power strip is very important, but I see no reason to spend hundreds of dollars.

  6. That's OVERKILL....

    Just get a surge suppressor with EMI/RFI filtering and you'll save HUNDREDS of dollars !

  7. No "power cleaner" will make a difference in anything.   They are right up there in the snake oil category with expensive speaker cables, Bose, and K&N air filters.

    Just get a good quality surge protector that has a warranty feature if you equipment gets damaged while using their product.

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