
Is getting drunk bad yes or no?

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I'm 16 years old and my friends have invited me to a party. I told them dat i didnt wanna get drunk cause i never got drunk before and dat ignited them to make me wanna get drunk. For a long time i've been wondering wat it feels like. I wanna do it but I'm scare to do it. Im scare to become an alcoholic or somthin like that i wanna make it a 1 time thing u know one of those things u only do once but i'm not sure if i should. My friend kept telling me about how fun it is so i'm not sure. ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREAT




  1. Learn to understand the best way to drink alchohol the responsible French way. First of all experiment what the effect is by going someplace quiet and just drink four cans of full srength beer. I like Coors  or Bud. Then if you enjoyed it try a six pack the next time. Dont get drunk with loud mouth friends. Try not to get a tolerance to alcohol. Because then it is not "fun" anymore. And its no "fun" getting really drunk.

  2. My mother used to tell me when I was around your age "if something doesnt feel right, than don't do it"  So if you feel uncomfortable you should go with your instincts and not drink.  You are so young.  Why try to grow up so fast.  Believe me you will have plenty of time to deal with things like bills and food and all the stuff that comes with adulthood when you get older, but in the meantime why not concentrate on things like your education, getting your own car, and things like that.  You dont have to get drunk or do drugs to have a good time.  And dont do something just because all your friends pressure you and you want to fit in.  Be responsible

    What is so good about being drunk anyways?  You get sick, puke, wake up with a terrible headache sometimes not remembering what you done, lots of teans get drunk and wind up pregnant, in jail or in a bad auto accident, maybe even die!!!!  Is that worth it???

    And in general, in answer to your question about is getting drunk bad or not......well the answer is both yes and no.  If a person doesnt drive when they are drunk and is hopefully at a friends home or at their own than it isnt too bad, but on the other hand, if it causes you to do something that can harm you either mentally or physically or both than yes, it is very bad

  3. Its not bad if you dont be an idiot and drink your self into a coma, just take it slow, learn your limits and you will have a great time and as for becoming an 'alcoholic' it wont happen unless you drink frequently to escape your problems

  4. becomming an alcoholic is the least of your problems. First you should be more concerned of your literacy and speach.  Stay in school and learn how to speak proper English.  Because your ebonics is not that good either.

    You sound like a d**n fool.

  5. wait a minute! you should not go to the party and drink! you are only 16 and you can easly be addicted to all that. So  my advice to you is stay away from the booze and tell them NO

  6. i started drinking when i was 16, and i was fine. don't drink if your not comfortable with it, but if you're sure you want to start the make sure it's in a safe environment with people you trust.

    if you know anyone who is either not drinking or is an experienced drinker, you should appoint them your "decision maker" and pass everything by them. i know i've made some bad judgement calls in the past when i've been drunk, and now i have a friend who looks out for me.

    take it slow, (it's probably a good idea not to beer bong or do shots) and make sure you have a safe ride home

  7. I think you should worry more about your writing skills than becoming an alcoholic.

  8. I would say don't do it. I'm 17 and I've never been drunk. I'm more of a social drinker and I know when to stop. But...

    I don't think getting drunk one time is going to make you an alcoholic. From what I've heard, that first hang-over is a bi*ch, though. LOL! Also, if you do decide that you're gonna drink enough to get drunk, make sure you're around trust-worthy people. People tend to take advantage of other people when they know that they're drunk.

  9. My advice is to take it slow. Your first time is different from other times, since you have no tolerance, and even if you are a pretty big guy one or two drinks will be more than enough.

    There is no need to be scared of becoming an alcoholic, as long as you are careful. Never drink to feel better. Don't repeatedly drink to the point of throwing up or blacking out. It's ok if it happens once, but learn your limits so that it doesn't happen again.

    And if you aren't comfortable, don't drink. You have the whole rest of your life to drink. And make sure that you have a designated driver, or that you are at a place where you can spend the night. If there is no designated driver, or the DD is drinking, be responsible and either stay sober so you can drive, or call a cab.

  10. You should get really, really drunk, and then when your judgement is impaired have s*x with inappropriately-older men you met on Yahoo! Answers.

    In all seriousness, the only way you'll become an alcoholic is if you start using drunkenness to escape your problems and avoid responsibility.  Some research even suggests that someone your age can handle intoxication better than someone even just a few years older.

    You should be more worried about doing something you'll later regret while drunk (like trying to drive and hitting someone, or see parag. 1) or drinking way to much, getting alcohol poisoning, and needing medical attention.  High schoolers are not exactly known for their clear judgement in emergencies, and are really likely to do something that will make it worse, like giving you a hot shower or having you drink coffee.

    Have fun!

  11. drinkign is definately not bad

    i think thsi becuz its ur body and ur head btu the only thing is u  goota know when to stop

    like im 16 years old too and i drink and smoke on  a weekly bases maybe 3 times a week

    my advice is make sure u dotn end up stranded and u got a ride home

    and take notice to teh fact that your body can process 1 shot/beer/wine glass every hour so if u drank 2 beers you will be good in 2 hours so yah try it 1 time and  no u will not get addicted

    i try to do it  at home mainly btu if i do it outside liek at a party ill drink like 6 or 7 bbeers and maybe 8

  12. heh. im 15 and have been drunk plenty of times.

    if its your first time ill warn you DO NOT have a lot. at all, if you dont want to then dont! :)

    i have fun and i learned the hard way..

    - its fun, but you wont remember anything witch is apart of the whole fun thing ? you do crazy things and are def. more talkative. everyone just has a better time.  

  13. You have a higher chance of becoming an alcoholic if you begin drinking before the age of 21. However, if your around people who are going to be your friend and keep you safe then i see no problem with experimenting but please be careful. Make sure you alternate water after every drink and do not drive.

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