
Is getting golf lessons from a "certified" golf instructor, not a "pro" worth it?

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I've been looking at getting some golf lessons, but I dont know if I should go for a certified intructor, which is cheaper, or go for the pro.




  1. I would certainly go to a instructor with a PGA certification.

  2. Both will be ok, but make sure when you sign up for a golf lesson, he /she will record or video your swing so that both of you can go back to watch or coreect the problem. I've seen a lot of instructor/pro giving a lesson just watching you.

  3. either way should do fine

  4. Don't depend on a title given a person as a reason for taking golf lessons. Inquire around before you commit.  Find out what others have taken away from the lessons.Then you choose who you think is best for your needs. The better instructors will work with the golf swing you have developed and fine tune it into a repeatable occurance. That is the person you should see.

  5. It depends in what City you are in I guess , I have taken lessons from both types of Instructors , neither seemed better or worse , and it was money well spent.

  6. A pro may be good player because he has a technique which fit his body.  This does not necessarily mean he can teach other people on how to improve their technique which is fitting to their body style, swing tendencies, etc.

    Golf instructor may not play well to the level of pro, but he has different techniques that he can teach to other people.

  7. It depends on who they are certified through.  Ask around and maybe take a lesson or two to see if they are the right kind of teacher for you.

  8. Simple answer to your question would be "yes".

    All certified instructors have to go through rigorous training and tests to become......well, "certified".  They are trained to teach whereas pros are trained to play.

    Personally, I would prefer to be taught by an instructor than a pro simply because an instructor might have more experience and have seen many different swings from various people that he/she can diagnose my faults more effectively.

    But then again, if it's Tiger Woods himself, then tell me where to sign up!!!  :-)

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