
Is getting pregnant before 18 a bad thing? ?

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I was reading about Palin's 17 year old, un-married daughter being pregnant...and the first thought that came to my mind was "She got pregnant before she became a legal adult"

so ya, is it bad?




  1. seems funny every one criticizing Palins daughter, but when Jamie Lynn Spears got pregnant at 17 everyone was jumpin with joy.

  2. I always told my kids that s*x was an adult activity that has adult ramifications. You know:You play, you pay.

    If you have no income or home, how will you raise a kid?. If you have a job and you have no education, your job sucks.

    If you have a child, that child is the responsibility of the mom and dad. Period.

    Oh, and since when did marrying the father make it all ok?. That is one of the worst reasons I can think of to get married.

    And not everyone thinks this is a way of life. Some of us think this is

    stupid, childish behavior that damages children everyday.

  3. Well nothing new !

    But it's not bad..

    and not a Good idea !

  4. Of course it's never a good idea to get pregnant, or even have s*x at that age, but it happens every day.  The irony of Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17 and unwed is Palin is supposed to be republican, and republicans are generally pretty conservative... so this teen pregnancy thing is not something that looks good on a republican ticket.

  5. Of course its a bad thing to do.

    The mothers body isnt even done maturing for petes sake---why in the world alter the changes that God intended first!?!?!

  6. I dont know, it depends on the situation. My mum had me when she was 17, and she did it tough for a while. But I'm ok, and now Im having my own baby, mind you I'm 23 now with a partner and financial stability.

    I think having money, and being more mature does help, but being pregnant that young doesnt neccessarily have to be a bad thing.

    Back in the 19th early 20th century women were getting married very young and having children straight after, most before they were 18. So I guess it's an individual point of view.

    There's nothing wrong with being unmarried and pregnant, a lot of relationships are still defacto when people get pregnant.

    In my opinion, as long as the mother (and father if possible) provide it with a stable upbringing, love it, dont abuse it, I dont think it really matters.

  7. No it is not bad. If you think about it, woman back in the early 1900s and the 1800s had babies at the age of 14 and 15. If the mother is able to support herself and the baby then no it is not a bad thing at all. I got pregnant at 17, had my daughter at 17 and am a great mother, and it was a good thing actually. it helped put my life on track. I am going to college now which i never thought of before, i also stopped drinking and using drugs so actually i would say it was a great thing for me, it gave my life purpose.

  8. It's definitely not good.  It is never good when children have children.  At 17 you haven't lived.  It's unfair to everyone concerned especially the child.  The teen years should be fun years.  Raising children at such an early age isn't fun.  You need to be in school thinking about what college you are going to instead of thinking about what size Pampers to buy this month.  

  9. It is definitely not ideal. Only because it will be really hard for her.

    But it happens all the time these days unfortunately and the country (not everyone but alot of the country) has started to just see it as just a way of life now.  Now that the running VPs daughter is pregnant it makes headline news.

  10. I think it's bad if someones pregnant and can't support the baby on their own. When young people get pregnant and make their parents pay for everything because THEY wanted to f.u ck around. And living in their parents house. So I guess it's bad, yeah.

  11. She'll miss out on so many experiences...I had my first at 19 and feel like I've always been taking care of someone else.  The worst part is when a child is brought into this world by parents who can't take care of it financially or emotionally, or who don't want the child, both of which can happen at any age, but seems pretty common when you have children so young.

  12. I don't think teenagers should go around getting pregnant for the fun of it.

    If it happens, it happens. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. But if you happen to be young and find yourself pregnant, then that person should really research all her options and think about the future.

    -Can you afford the necessities for your baby

    -How will this effect my social life

    -How hard will it be to balance out work and baby

    -Can I afford childcare for when I need to go to work

    -Am I willing to care for this child to at LEAST 18 and BEYOND

    -Am I willing to sacrifice many things for whats best for my child.

    Those are things to ask yourself

    It isn't ideal to be a young parent. And in our society it is frowned upon. But if you have s*x, and get pregnant take responsibility and decide whats best.

  13. i dont think it is im 17 and 8months and im pregnant im ready to have the baby im 2 days over due

    if youre younger then it would pretty bad

  14. its bad if the guy that got her pregant is an adult, then i think thats called statutory rape, or something like that.  

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