
Is getting straight b's in the seventh grade bad?

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thanks, your opinion helps :D

ps: im homeschooled :|




  1. no way. iam your age and those were my grades. thats at grade level and thats what you need. if you really think its bad just study harder but trust me its fine. i have those grades and iam in honers which is the highest class you can take in middle school. its the advaced class. you would be in it with your grades

  2. Depends on the work load. Are you attempting work that is really challenging, makes you think and stretch mentally? Or, are you doing fairly easy work and because it's easy and maybe not the most interesting thing in the world, you're content to just skate by? If you're giving it your best and are really seeking to pursue excellence, then for this time and these subjects a "b" is your best and not so bad. After all, B is still above average. If you're being a bit lazy and not giving it your best effort, than B isn't so good.

  3. It's all relative. If you got all D's last year and barely made it out of 6th, it's pretty darn good. If you are a good enough athlete to someday make millions playing pro sports, then it's great. If you want to go to Harvard or Princeton or something, getting all B's isn't going to cut it.

  4. I don't see why that would be bad.

    D means below average.

    C means average.

    B means above average.

    A means excellent.

    If you are capable of A's but don't get them because you don't study or care about your work to do well, then a B could be seen as not really good.

    If you work hard for those B's, though, nothing wrong with them. If you'd like to try to get A's instead, you could check out some books from the library on study skills. I will tell you right away that the advice that pops up over and over again is to start reviewing from the start and keep reviewing every day. Of course, other techniques and skills will be presented in books, but the constant review, in whichever way you review best, is the big key to doing well in school.

  5. You know as long as you do your best. That is all that matter's. But no carrying B's in seveth grade is not bad.

  6. well if you want a good edication yeah (ignore the spelling eror x2)

  7. That sounds pretty good to me

  8. how would that be bad?

    in 7th grade i made about 2 B's and the rest were c or below... its not b/c im slow or lazy, i tried hard, but thats just how it was

    now im about to go to 12th grade, in AP classes and making A's

    so no, straight B's sound good to me

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