
Is giving away services smart when starting a new dj service

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Is giving away services smart when starting a new dj service




  1. It is my opion that the more you give the more you receive

    However no one expects any one to give away there Main dish

    In your case  chop it up  

    examples only

    four hour show ill do fifth hour free

    or   Drawings all night   Cds - Music-  t-shirts  hats

    Sweat  bands  head bands

    Drawing for DJs Dj  Help me in the both   your playlist your voice

    your party

    We specialze in your music  

    If you dont  dance -sing=tap your toes-snap your finges with in first half hour next party half price\

    Dude id love to be  helping ya out

    email me  wondering where you are etc

    im in San diego

    over 10000 songs 2000 music vids

    and im not even in the business lol

    Peace   hope this  is in some way helpful


    Dont give away the ship  only the life  vest



    Word of mouth  best form of Adv

    also can be the worst

    Always be selling  your name awarness

  2. if you already have the equipment yes, if you still need equipment then no.

    Freebees are an awesome way to get started and network with others, just be sure to bring plenty of business cards to those free events.

  3. Its a good idea to get your name out there at first.  Try to get experience doing different kinds of parties so you can use your experience to get paid later.  Don't DJ for free more than once for anyone.  

  4. Only to a certain extent.  People tend to value things based upon what they pay for them.  If they are paying nothing they may not value your services as much, if at all.

    However, you have a catch-22 in that you probably need some exposure before you're able to actually sell your services.  Giving away your services, in a restricted manner, might solve that problem.

    If you do decide to give away your services make sure that you are getting something out of it - the ability to promote your services to the crowd, hand out business cards/flyers, perhaps they will agree to be used as a reference or introduce you to some key people, etc.

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