
Is giving movies away illegal ?

by  |  earlier

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im just wondering if i give some one a movie from like umm... the movie theater and a got it on dvd already and could i copy it and give it away for free i would not charge them? (not saying i do....)




  1. you can give away a legal copy, as long as you have not made or kept any copies for yourself.

    if your copy is not legal, or you make extra copies, then you are breaking the law already.

  2. It is still illegal because current federal and international copyright laws state that the reproduction (recording and copying) and distribution (giving away) of copyrighted material is illegal. I wouldn't want to deal with the thugs at MPAA and INTERPOL.

  3. No you cannot copy it without the movie owner's permission. You are already guilty of p****y by giving the movie to the one who copied it to DVD.

    You'll only compound it by giving away copies. You are also an idiot for admitting to it on the web. The FBI monitors these things. They now have a written record of your guilt.

  4. No. You cannot make a copy of a movie and then give or sell it to someone else.That's called copyright infringement. It's against US federal law as well as international law.

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