
Is giving sarcastic answers an indication of superior intellect?

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sue,hmmm so your answer isn't sarcastic?




  1. To the asker, angry asian's response is a sarcasm. That is a dead-pan sarcasm. Obviously, everyone knows how to google definitions but acts as ignorant for the sake of sarcasm.  

  2. being sarcastic is never been an superior intellect. Its like a cover up, or pretending that one knows the answer but not actually. Meaning "smart ***"  

  3. Nah, quite the opposite. People who give sarcastic answers either doesn't understand the question or does not really know the answer.

  4. It might or it might not or there might not be any connection at all between one's sarcastic prowess & one's superior intellectuality. One probably just gave a sarcastic remark because he or she got really ticked off. Or got lucky. Who knows.

    But if the asker or a nosey reader is able to understand & maybe be amused at & appreciate the "intended" sarcasm in somebody else's answer then that may be an indication of a superior intellect.

  5. I've been a wisenheimer all my life.  Aint gonna change now. I already know I'm smarter than all of you.  I don't need to prove it. hehehe.  (you mean like that?)

    All BS aside, a sarcastic answer usually means that person doesn't know the answer so, I would say its a sign of LESS intellect.

  6. I agree with the other answerer, it sometimes is a sign of a more inferior intellect. But it sometimes was just because of human nature where beliefs and opinions clash therefore leading the answerer to state their answers in a non-tactful manner.. They could just answer the question in a disagreeing manner instead of making it offensive..

  7. Depends on many factors.

    Like in what fora the question was poised, the prevailing opinion at the time, the hidden agenda perceived in a question, the perceived character of the Asker, the mood of the majority,  if ladies (especially beautiful ladies) were present in the gallery to be suitably impressed, if the Answerer was a known proponent of Roman satire,  if the Answerer was a known donkey, etc.etc.

    Reminds me of Winston Churchill who made a retort to a lady in Parliament, who said that if he were her husband she would place poison in his coffee.   "If you're my wife,  I'd drink it."


  8. to some

  9. Can someone google sarcasm for me?

  10. A sarcastic answer or question is not an indication of either superior or insuperior intellect. It is an indication of a form of humour.

  11. sometimes, taking a genuine answer as sarcastic is a sign of an inferior intellect.

  12. I was going to leave a sarcastic answer - but couldn't think of one. So I'm going to say no - it doesn't give an indication of superior intellect

  13. no, unless one thinks of himself as such.

  14. If  read  sarcastic answer, I wouldn't think its an indication of intellect but I would   assume that the  answerer  is  annoyed, bitter, in experiencing  ED,  suffering menopause, or  having  midlife crisis.    

    If I give sarcastic answer, it's entirely different thing.  

  15. There will be lots of sarcasm but take it with a pinch of salt. Don't take it too seriously. Have fun. Most times, you already know the answer. Trust yourself.  

  16. I beg to differ to someone's statement that people who use sarcasm are unintelligent.

    Sarcasm is an intelligent form of humor. People who can't grasp sarcasm plainly doesn't have humor but that doesn't make them less intelligent.

    By the way, you may not know this but there are reporters here who'll probably report you for "chatting" violation since you answer and address users who posted their answer. That happened to me.

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