
Is giving up everything (if that's the case) for someone you love, really a true sign of complete love?

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Is it really true that if you love someone enough, you will give up anything, or are their just circumstances where giving up everything or all is just NOT an option?




  1. It's a sign of impending disaster.

  2. I don't think so. I think couples should be able to compromise. I don't like relationships being considered a sacrifice.

    I think it's a sign of control - not love!

  3. depends on what you are asked to give up....a true sign of true love is being excepted for who, and what you are......

  4. To give up everything is to loose your self, and the only circumstance I can think to do this would be in the case of following Jesus Christ! because he says who so ever gives there life to follow me, will keep their lives, and who so ever trys to keep their lives, shall loose their lives! Other wise that's called people pleasing, and you are standing on dangerous territory. That's one of the ways cults work, pimps, drug dealers, master manipulators, and anyone that has influence in your life with a degree in street wise, they brain wash your mind into a corruptible way of thinking not of love. Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove

  5. It can be interpreted as such. But in my experience, you shouldn't have to give up anything. Your true love should compliment you...not complete you...and vice versa.

  6. One should not give up everything just to prove they love someone.   Why would one want to change the other ?  Love is accepting the other as they are NOT what they expect of them.  When one begins making demands on the other then it becomes a control  issue which is not healthy.  Compromise is an option but not control.

  7. I give my entire being to my wife i give her everything i can provide for her, you can give up everything without a single sacrifice because in the end you cannot even give yourself.

    When you die everything dies with you the entire world you know from your perspective ceases to exist, you will take nothing with you not even the body you appear to have, because in actuallity you do not own anything nor do you have anything. So i give my wife everything i appear to have, and ask nothing of her, except for her love, if you give everything without the other person knowing that is what your doing, it is not sacrifice, it is LOVE.

  8. It's a sign of a needy partner! What are they willing to do? Be careful, but it's true love on your part.

  9. No one really knows what love is.  Saying you would give anything for the one you love is like saying you would jump off a building without any protection and hope not to die.  I think that when you love someone though, you learn to change and see the error of your ways.  Love makes you thin about yourself and others and wonder things you never thought about.  I don't think you should ultimately give up everything for someone you love, but rather learn to change and accept things about others and yourself.

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