
Is global climate change partially man made (or contributed to by mankind)?

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any thoughts..?




  1. i personally believe that gcc is part natural cycle and man made. they have overwhelming fact that the earth has been doing this since it first existed. how ever i think that because of man kind we will see a more intense gcc then ever before but well make it=)

  2. Personally, i tihnk that mankind is contributing to climate change somewhat.  Because we are using so many dangerous products, such as hairspray, and it is destroying the ozone layer...with that, the sune is not being blocked from the earth, and therefore climate change occurs!

  3. This is an issue that is under debate in the scientific community.  Groups such as the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) claim that the evidence points to it being very likely that humans have had an impact on increased CO2 emissions.  Though many scientists disagree, popular opinion would say there is a scientific "consensus" that man has had a significant impact on climate change.  As it stands though, nobody knows for sure as the science is still in its early stages.  Climate change could be a part of natural cycles or it could be the result of fossil fuel burning, but the Earth has been warmer in the past with higher CO2 levels than there are now at times before humans could have had the same impact we have now.  I think it's all hype personally.  It looks like a method for the government to inspire fear in the public and use this fear to trick the public into granting it more power.  Perhaps I'm wrong though, I sure hope not.

  4. Yes climate change is partly man made, just like if you spit in the ocean the sea level rises, it's probably not enough to notice.

    The effect of CO2 on the Earth's climate is very slight.  The AGW theory assumes that the Earth's climate is very sensitive to small changes in the concentration of the atmosphere, but it's just a theory that doesn't fit the real world global temperature data very well.

  5. The crude fact is:

    We put in just 100 years the equivalent of millions of years of accumulated carbon in geological layers in the atmosphere in the form of CO2.

    Mankind increased the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere by  over 30% over 100 years.

    As CO2 is a greenhouse gas, I truly see no rational way according to which it would not increase the global average temperature.

  6. To think that we as mere people have the ability to change the climate of an entire planet is outlandishly vein of us.  Of course we have not caused climate is constantly changing for goodness sakes....

  7. neither its natural its already happend to the earth and it will happen again.......

  8. Where on earth is there a temperature change due to 'global warming'?  Fact: nowhere!

    The climate changes on earth all the time, always has and always will.  It's all natural, man is not involved.  CO2 is harmless plant food and the amounts in the atmosphere have only increased by 58ppm. which is minimal.  

    It never ceases to amaze me how people are so easily fooled into believing all this g/w stuff!!

  9. Yes, science tells us that the primary causes identified so far are carbon dioxide, black carbon (particulate) pollution, methane, and deforestation.  

    Other possibilities such as the Sun and changes in the earth's orbit have been throoughly investigated and ruled out.

    Ocean currents (ENSO, PDO, AO) do affect weather, sometimes globally, in a cyclical way, but so far no known circulation changes would explain the magnitude or the direction of the warming trend over the last 100+ years.

  10. The abnormal extreme weathers are generated by the NWOrder with their HAARP technology (& more)

    The US military want to own the weather to use as a weapon against people & countries.

    Yes Man Created...but not by the public.

    The NWO are also responsible for the criminal destruction of forrests (the balancing factor for Co2.

    Please read more questions on this subject HERE.

    Then please do your own checking, the future depends on people like you.

    An enquiring mind.

  11. Less than 2% is man made..the rest is all natural.

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