
Is global warming, caused by humans, real?

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The ice age existed. Everyone agrees on that. The ice age ended. Nobody has asked how it ended... if just one day POOF everything was warm? Or, did a gradual warming cause the ice age to end? Humans could not have caused the end of the ice age.

What real evidence is there that humans are causing global warming? Freon is heavier than air, so it sinks and never reaches the ozone. CO2 is produced by every living thing on the planet, yes, even cows burping seems to cause "greenhouse gases".

Anyone have any real evidence, and if so, why do some scientists insist that it's not real while others say it's totally real?




  1. burning coal is a major factor,

    and to stop doing that is a major solution

    so the question is who is doing it ????

    this video has a lot of answers

    The rapid depletion of fossil fuels and the rising sea level from the warming of the earth's atmosphere are converging to dramatically alter our future. Edward Mazria, founder of Architecture 2030, unveils a new study of sea level rise showing fly-over 3D images depicting potentially calamitous coastal and national impacts. Series: Frontiers of Knowledge

  2. well if got a bottle of co2 and put it in sunlight it will trap a lot of heat. and with the riseing heat and co2 levels .

  3. 1. Ice ages, and inter-glacial periods, are triggered by small changes in Earth's orbit called "Milankovitch cycles" by astronomers, or "orbital forcing" by climatologists. Since Earth's orbit can be computed for thousands of years into the past and future, we know that orbital forcing peaked 6000 years ago, during the Holocene Maximum, and is actually cooling the planet right now.

    Here's the science:

    So the current warming has nothing to do with ice ages, or with coming out of the last ice age. It must be something else. There are two possibilities: it could be the Sun. Or it could be the rapid increase in greenhouse gases caused by human burning of fossil fuels. As it turns out, it's easy to tell the difference between the two, and the scientific case for increased greenhouse effect is rock solid.

    2. If the Sun is causing the current warmth, then we're getting more energy, and the whole atmosphere should be getting warmer. If it's greenhouse, then we're getting the same amount of energy, but it's being distributed differently: more heat is trapped at the surface, and less heat is escaping to the stratosphere. So if it's the Sun, the stratosphere should be warming, but if it's greenhouse, the stratosphere should be cooling.

    In fact, the stratosphere has been on a long-term cooling trend ever since we've been keeping radiosonde balloon records in the 1950's. Here's the data:

    3. If it's the Sun, we're getting more energy during the day, and daytime temperatures should be rising fastest. But if it's greenhouse, we're losing less heat at night, and nighttime temperatures should be rising fastest. So if it's the sun, the difference between day and night temperatures should be increasing, but if it's greenhouse, the day-night difference should be decreasing.

    In fact, the daily temperature range has been decreasing throughout the 20th century. Here's the science:

    4. Total solar irradiance has been measured by satellite since 1978, and during that time it has shown the normal 11-year cycle, but no long-term trend. Here's the data:

    5. Scientists have looked closely at the solar hypothesis and have strongly refuted it. Here's the peer-reviewed science:

    6. CO2 levels in the air were stable for 10,000 years prior to the industrial revolution, at about 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv). Since 1800, CO2 levels have risen 38%, to 385 ppmv, with no end in sight. Here's the modern data...

    ... and the ice core data ...

    ... and a graph showing how it fits together:

    7. We know that the excess CO2 in the air is caused by burning of fossil fuels, for two reasons. First, because the sharp rise in atmospheric CO2 started exactly when humans began burning coal in large quantities (see the graph linked above); and second, because when we do isotopic analysis of the CO2 we find increasing amounts of "old" carbon combined with "young" oxygen. Here are the peer-reviewed papers:

    The "some scientists" who say global warming is non-human are overwhelmingly NOT climatologists. Among climatologists, well over 95% (and probably closer to 98%) accept that global warming has a significant human component. And over 30 international scientific organizations support human-caused global warming, compared to zero -- yes, zero -- scientific organizations that deny it. In science, that's about as good a consensus as you're ever going to get.

  4. I seriously doubt it. When I was in elementary school I was taught that the sun was going to burn up all it's gases and would be extinguished. That sounds like global freezing to me. Wait five years and they'll come up with some new c**k n' bull story about something else, like, swallowing saliva causing cancer. (that was a joke---I think)

  5. "The ice age existed. Everyone agrees on that. The ice age ended. Nobody has asked how it ended... if just one day POOF everything was warm? Or, did a gradual warming cause the ice age to end? Humans could not have caused the end of the ice age."

    But we know what did, Keith P goes over what happened the way a skeptic would (an actual skeptic, not a claimed skeptic that just denies the fact of global warming).

    If you didn't understand that the basic reason is that we know when all the natural cycles occur and it just so happens that we aren't in a warming cycle (and there hasn't been any correlation with solar activity for a while either)

    "What real evidence is there that humans are causing global warming? Freon is heavier than air, so it sinks and never reaches the ozone."

    Aside from there only be a tangential relation between the hole in  the ozone layer and global warming the CFCs do very much reach the stratosphere since the stratosphere is within the heterosphere where the atmospheric gases are well mixed by atmospheric turbulence (and it's enough to get things far heavier than CFCs up to the turbopause).

    But think what you're saying, CFCs are heavier then air, so is carbon dioxide so you'd expect CO2 to sink and form a layer of CO2 on the surface upon which is the layer of molecular oxygen and then the layer of nitrogen and then the layer of atomic oxygen.

    That's just not how the atmosphere is below 100 km.

  6. No.  The Earth has gone through many warming and cooling phases before humans were on the planet.  The global warming obsession have been devised to generate billions of dollars in revenue for "green" companies.

    There are a multitude of facts that prove this, but I don't know if I have the space to get into this.  Keep in mind, the Earth has only increase by 3/4 of a degree over the past 100 years.  If you think this is enough to melt the polar ice caps, when it is still -50 below zero for 9 months of the year, well then, you are an idiot.

    Then there is Al Gore.  Did you know that Al Gore now makes more than 75 million dollars per year in speaking engagements because of his movie? Before the movie came out, he made 750,000 per year.

    It is a scam.  Polar bear numbers are not decreasing, but they are a cute animal and therefore, perfect to be used by the green movement.  Recycling wastes more energy than incineration, Niagara Falls provides enough power (if used correctly and not sold off to other places) to support the entire continent of North America forever, and well, world food shortages are not occuring, as we are producing way more foods (less spoilage) than 50 years ago.  In fact, the average caloric intake of the world has increased by more than 500 calories since 1900 per person, and the life expectancy rates have gone up worldwide significantly. So we are living longer, eating better, and the like.  Tell me again the problem?

  7. Nature has certain rules for the creatures living on it and has therefore limited the power of every creature on it but if we try to cross our limits it is same as violating the norms of the nature.

    The natural resources which are the sources of green house gases do not cause that much damage as the pollution caused by the humans(via vehicles,industries,etc.)

    Its our planet and thereby its our foremost responsibility to limit the use of those resources which add up to the green house effect and on the other hand support the eco friendly techniques qnd try to develop some more.

  8. it is both man and nature effecting global warming; though it is a natural process, man is speeding it up with CO2 emmissions which is destroying the ozone layer, which is allowing in more heat.  I think that alot of the evidence isnt physical, but it is mostly skeptical.

  9. No, its not real. Humans produce 3% of the CO2 produced every year. There's only 0.036% CO2 in our air. that means that human produced CO2 makes up a whopping 0.00108% of our air.

    Its a lie, Al Gore creates more global warming spewing his hot air about it than the rest of us going about our daily lives combined.

  10. It is an absolute farce.  Mt. St. Helens did more damage to the environment than man could do in a life time, and that area is beginning to thrive with wildlife once again.  There is nothing man can do that is going to cause harm to a planet that continues to flourish after numerous disasters.  You can't tell me that lowly man is doing anything that is capable of harming the environment like these tree hugging liberals are claiming.  Climate change happens in is normal. it happens.  Global warming is a fake.

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