
Is global warming a myth

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Is global warming a myth




  1. No. Global warming is not a myth. Changes are occurring in our

    environment due to our modern lifestyle. How it will effect the globe

    as a whole, is beyond our calculation, yet. In future, changes a must.

  2. You can debate what is causing it - man-made pollution or natural cycles - but not that it is happening. The Canadian Navy, for instance, is making plans to police the Northwest passage. At the rate the polar ice is melting, it will soon be possible for ships to go from Japan to Europe via the north pole, saving 2,150 miles over the current route, through the Panama Canal.

    Google four words:

    Canadian Navy Northwest passage

    to read more. The Canadian Navy doesn't have any particular political axe to grind, nor are they fools.

  3. 'Man-did-it' Global Warming is indeed a far.  There is some speculation that we contribute to Earth's warming... but no proof.

  4. Worse than that it is a lie.. There temperature average is from old uncalibrated thermometers. A computer will produce garbage if U input garbage.  

  5. I trust this question was sincere.  All the answers thus far have been peoples opinions and nothing else.  Everyone today has an opinion and these are based on the media hype around this subject either pro or con.  The debate, surprisingly, is not new and a study of history will show that it is one that has gone on ever since man has observed the weather.  There is no body of thought that can go unquestioned on the subject for there are very learned and trustworthy people that represent both positions.  There are also movies, reports, media articles and other sources that are presented by ill informed individuals that are using this subject for their own gain.  The earth has been heating and cooling since it was formed, that is a fact.  It is either heating or cooling now, that is a fact.  Is man causing it to heat or cool, there is probably no way to know and one is left to study the situation on their own or blindly adopt some spokesman's point of view.  Someday there may be a way to learn the truth but probably not in our lifetime.  Sorry to be so inconclusive but I do believe this more honestly represents the truth than half the stuff we read.  Nevertheless, one should do their best to live a lifestyle that respects the earth and keep it as we found it.

  6. It's no myth in Australia it gets hotter every year global warming is happening it's logical to say that if we keep polluting the earth something has to give.

  7. I talk to my dad about this all the time and I wish he would make his own website because he has so many opinions about topics like this.

    This is one thing he told me.

    From the start of the Industrial Revolution to now, the amount of pollution that we have created is less then that of a volcano. There have been volcanoes erupting since the beginning of time. So how can man have created Global Warming?

    I, personally, don't believe in Global Warming. I'm all for making the earth a better place and making it cleaner and all that. I am all for that, I just don't believe in Global Warming.  

  8. No it is not. Tempetures are rising every where antartica is melting and we need to do something.

  9. yes it's a myth.

    Temperature increases and decreases every year.

  10. it most certainly is real, when we use petroleum, it gives off gas that goes into the stratosphere, which will make the air dirtier and warmer.

  11. No Absolutely not. the thing is that alot of arrogant people think that there is no such thing, they think this because there is no visible sign of it. It is increasing all the time and is gradually going to become worse, At the moment it is very subtle. As the world consumes more oil and pollution the worse it gets. Us as humans use gas as our primary source of transportation and not to mention other things such as electricity from coal which is a huge pollutant. So as I say it is increasing all the time. Scientists reckon that we will start seeing the bad signs in about 20 years. By then who knows what us humans will have consumed. By the end of the 2020 year there might be 9 Billion of us. This pushes other figures such as our human footprint right up.

    We are also entering a rocky time with the oil situation. We are running out! One of the headlines on Yahoo! today is "Gm looses $15 Billion from plummet of SUV s and trucks. Soon we may have violent storms we haven't seen before. I know I sound a bit like Al Gore with his video "An inconvenient truth" I personally believe he is a hypocrite. But none the less Global Warming exists. I think you stand out from some people that are arrogant and say it doesn't exist. But you asked instead of following the crowd.

    Thanks hope this answered your question.


  12. Much of it is.  Certainly, there has been some, but how much of that is "natural," how much is man-made, and much much we can predict will happen down the road is mostly guess work and mythology.

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