
Is global warming a natural causing thing or is it man made?

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im asking this question for an englich speech. i looking for answers that will describe you rthoughts for both sides... if you believe it is a man made thing caused by indurtrial CO2 emmisions or if its part of the earth cycle and that it is a normal incidence




  1. it a nonreversable damage of natural causes.  It's caused by the orbit separation of the moon from the earth.  Man is causing damage also, but it's not significant.

  2. The earth naturally varies in temperature throughout time but the presence of mankind has had a dramatic influence on the rate of change.

  3. I learned in my science class that the Earth is naturally heating up, but the carbon dioxide emissions have sped it up a lot. Man has caused global warming to speed up at an unnatural rate.

  4. We really won't know whether or not the Earth is warming until the Surface Monitoring Stations are replaced.  For years they have been reporting temperatures that are warmer than actual.

    Bad data equals bad science.

  5. Man made.

  6. When the earth was created, acording to most scientists, it was hotter than the sun.

    Several billions years later, it was completely frozen.

    That's when the pressure from the planet's core broke the continents apart.

    For 4 billion years, according to most scientists, the temperature has been changing.  There is also proof that the North and South poles have changed oven the milleniums.

      There are natural phenomona like tornadoes, hurricanes, volcano, tsunami, tidal wave, earthquake, el nino, la nina, santa ana winds, snow, rain, hail, etc.

      CO2 can only saturate the atmosphere to a fixed extent (meaning there is saturation or maxium point, where no matter how much more you add, it doesn't change the amount of light that penetrates the CO2).  People contribute

    a small percentage of CO2 to the atmosphere.

      It would take many years for human contribution to elevate the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.

      A temperature change of less than 1 degree over 100 years is acceptable in my opinion.


  7. it's man made and if u need a speech search on google & wikipedia is the best. go 2 wikipedia .com.

  8. i dont think its a coincedence. the earth would naturally heat up, but the rate at which co2 has been pumped into the atmosphere over the past decades has definately had a negative effect on the climate. which is sad, but this is a new way of living. good luck with your presentation

  9. To answer your question, It is both a man made and natural occurance because every liveing animail,includeing humans, omits carbon dioxide when we exhale and it is man made from cars and from CFCs and carbon dioxide,being the green house gas which traps heat in the atmosphere by depleteing the ozone layer it is basicly going to be going on until the end of time and we all die because everything omits it humans,machines,automobiles,etc. and we can do nothing to stop it but we can reduce it by conserving,recyclying,car pooling,and planting more trees/killing less trees because they taken in the carbon dioxide in which we all omit.

  10. I don't think we really know, scientists can't be trusted, they all proved that when they jumped on the global cooling theory years ago, now magically its global warming. There are clearly natural cycles, that said, man might be contributing to it too, and hey, even if liberals are wrong, does it really hurt to leave the world a little cleaner than expected?

  11. Actually scientists have come to the realization that the true cause of global warming is the suns heat increase. They know this because they examined mars tempertures and increase in weather condition and compared it to mars early records. Since mars is also warming up it does prove that we are not the major cause. Now i am not saying that humans have no part in gobal warming, we are just not the main factor. But we could lower global warming by planting more plant life, which would take in large amounts of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis

  12. global warmin is both man-made & a natural process.


    since ancient to modern times, mankind keeps industrializing; all these human activities e.g. cattling for food, deforestation for land etc. are inflicting danger to the natural envrn we're livin in

    humans industrialize due to a quick population growth so it's an inavoidable process. but for human sustainence we use up much more resources faster than we can replenish them.

    increase in CO2 emissions cause increase in global temp results in an ultimate threat to humans' survival but tat wont destroy the Earth.

    if u read the sci non-fiction book "Evolution", u will understand tat before birth of humans there exists many other creature kinds like dinosaurs. the reason for their extinction is due to catastrophic devastations e.g. floods & volcano eruptions.

    global warmin is just part of a natural cycle the Earth will experience but tat doesnt destroy the Earth or Universe. humans will come to a day of extinction like any other of its predecessors.

    the Bibles says God creates Earth for the sake of humankind...tat's ? earth is such a paradise place to live in. God will never destroy humans but the day of human extinction is just the judgment day.

  13. No one that advocates that man has to do with global warming is saying that man MADE global warming (unless they are dumb). We are simply saying that man enhances the effects of natural global warming. Yes global warming is natural, duh, you don't even have to be a science major to know that. The thing to understand that the process of "natural global warming" is a relatively fragile process. It is based on a lot of factors. One example of how people do effect global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. Now everyone has heard of this, but most do not know why it has such an effect. Fossil fuels (as the name suggests) come from the bio matter buried deep in the earth. This matter is the earth's "reserve" of carbon. This carbon is not involved in the natural carbon cycle. When we extract it, and burn it, we are unnaturally adding carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is not a question of IF we are influencing global warming, but how much. As a side note, some people question the use of ethynol as a product of our fuel. Ethynol gives off CO2 as well, but the CO2 produced by ethynol would already be involved in the natural carbon cycle, so it is not as damaging as using fossil fuel. In general, there is a reason the Earth is the way it is. Any way we alter or manipulate the earth with intentions other than improving it, we are risking damaging its fragile nature. It is time we stop thinking of the Earth as our play ground, and respect it as a delicate living system that sustains our life.

  14. man made for sure.

  15. Global warming has been happening since the ice age.  It's earths cycle.  We probably have sped it up though.

  16. the earth is on a cycle of 100 000 years, theres 90 000 years of ice aeg and the 10 000 of the receded ice caps. When it gets to the end of the 10 000 year warm, it heats up just before it freezes, thats what we are currently in. As for teh ozone hole? well, that was casued by a supernova explosion 150 000 lightyears away when humans were still nomadic. It was so bright it was brighter than the sun and lit the skies for a few days. Theres evidence of this due to Beryllium 10 being found on earth which is a substance not from earth or anywhere near.

  17. Probably a combo of both, but mankind isn't helping matters.  Can't dispute facts like the Ozone layer being depleted by Co2 emissions.  That definitely leads to more heat coming in and melting the polar caps.

  18. Probably man-made, however there is a huge correlation between the Little Ice Age and the Maunder Minimum, so I am not entirely sold.

  19. well, as for my own opinion it's man made processes.... the earth will not emmit that amount of CO2 if it's not because of human. but well, not only CO2 causes global warming...that are also other gasses such as carbon Monoxide.... you know actually im in between for i know global warming accured on the past... remember the ice age....  but well... just research 'bout it....

  20. i think its natural causing because at the bottom of it, it doesnt say "made in china" or another yeh

  21. man made of course

  22. There is some evidence that it is natural, but it is most likely that is is caused by man.

  23. Global warming is man-made. There realy aren't "two sides." Science is not like politics, where there is always room for debate about policy and values. In science, once the facts are in, any debate ends. Taht occurred years ago. The current "debate"about global warming's reality/causes is not a scientific debate. It is simply the ranting of some crackpots combined with deliberate propaganda and false information put out by special interests.

    Thee is no " believe" or "disbelieve" in science--there is only facts and knowledge--or ignorance.But not "debate." Not once the facts are known--as they have been for well over a decade.

  24. I think to believe either way before we know for sure is stupidity.

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