
Is global warming a natural process for Earth?

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I would like to know, whether is global warming natural process that earth goes through? or is it because of us?

There's a rise in sea warming..and frequent natural there any end to all of this? or it's just the begining?

Please answer.




  1. There have been intermittent, multi-century warming and cooling phases since the last Ice Age.

    None of the previous such phases were caused by man, and very few of them were related to CO2.

    This time it could be different, because we're here emitting CO2 - a tiny amount relative to the atmosphere, and CO2 is a weak heat-trapping gas, but we're emitting it.

    There's just no direct PROOF that the one is caused by the other - - it's been warmer when CO2 levels were lower, for reasons we don't understand.

  2. The ice cores taken from Greenland show both natural process and some man made problems. Yes, it is only the beginning of the end of one era and the beginning of another. Only time will tell, but we, that are alive today may never see the end. Man and his wasteful ways are causing much damage to the planet. He kills the soil, poisons it and the run off poisons the water, which in turn poisons and kills the fish that gives us a food supply and one for wildlife.

  3. Global warming can be natural but no where near the rate we're experiencing.  Everybody's burning something every day.  The food is cooked over heat, house are all heated or cooled both generating heat, millions of barrels of oil, gas and tons of coal is being burned everyday, nuclear plants have huge cooling towers to get rid of waste heat, forests are being burnt down to clear land, and that's just the big stuff.  If you added up all the lit cigarettes in the world it would probably heat a small city.   Even now the Bully Bush Gang is out stealing more OIL to burn.  This will be known as the OIL age, and it won't last long, maybe another 50 years.  Yes, it's just the beginning, to the end of the OIL age..

  4. we are killing our planet and

    are setting ourselves up for

    destruction no doubt. but ppl

    are so focused on diff. S**t

    that they don't know that we

    are dying. ughh go green <3

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