
Is global warming a real threat?

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What do we as humans do to cause global warming? Please list sources if able.




  1. The largest contributions to the global warming come from burning of fossil fuels and deforestation (cutting down trees). The causes have been known for several years by the scientific community. If you like to read more about global warming, please go to The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Please see the movie Un Inconvinient Truth. The world's first carbon free search engine is Picsearch who launched its environmental program a month ago.

  2. It may be a potential threat one day.  Now it is a political issue to make people feel guilty.

  3. The earth and its atmosphere are so big it doesn't seem like a century of the industrial age would have such an immediate effect as some claim. However it would be wise to be good stewards of the planet. You can probably add global warming to the list with evolution, Bigfoot, and  chiropractors as unproven sciences.

  4. I wish that it wasn't a real threat but I am afraid it is. I suggest that you rent "Inconvenience Truth." It is an extremely depressing documentary that shows the dangers of global warming and how it is going to be a problem in the future.

  5. gosh, yes!

    you can already see the effects of global warming.

    well, the main cause of global warming is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. this increase is caused by us humans.

    firstly, because of the massive number of vehicles we have in both developed and underdeveloped countries. they emit gargantuan quantities of CO(2), and the number of vehicles is actually growing, despite the harm we know it is causing the environment.

    then, of course, there is logging. a land mass 50 times the size of singapore is being cleared from the amazon forest each day. can you imagine the number of trees we are losing?

    trees use carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and emit oxygen. so, it would be perfectly clear that cutting down trees is not a very bright idea, as this means that less and less carbon dioxide is being absorbed from the atmosphere every day.

  6. There are several things humans do to cause global warming, which is produced by Carbon Dioxide.

    Anything that uses electricity, unless your electric source is a hydroelectric dam, windmills, or solar power, contributes to greenhouse gases.  On average, running household appliances contributes several dozen THOUSAND pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere per family per year.  That quickly adds up to billions of pounds from the US alone.  Plus the other several thousand pounds from driving cars.

    Every pound of gasoline creates about 8 pounds of CO2 (because oxygen is taken out of the air).

    So humans end up putting much more CO2 in the air than plants can turn back into oxygen through photosynthesis, and CO2 levels increase.

    Is it a real threat?  In a sense yes.  It seems that there will be global climate change.  I think that humans will be able to cope with it (other animals won't have it as well off), and that species will eventually adapt to the new environment.  However, if we don't want to be the cause of a global change, we should probably do something.


    Oh yeah, and breathing creates CO2 as well, so if an annoying hyper-environmentalist gets all "in your face" about global warming, tell them to help the environment and stop breathing.

  7. No, the threat is minor. The recent meeting of scientists in Paris predicts minor problems from it, although they do try very hard to make the rather mild prediction that are making sound as terrible as possible. The estimates are for about 5 degrees temperature rise and 1 foot sea level rise in 100 years. Not very scary. They say bad weather will get worse (storms, droughts and so on), but never really try to back that up with numbers, because they don't have any. It is just a scare tactic.

    No, the reason to find an energy source other than oil is because the Arabs have all the oil.

  8. yes. carbon dioxide is a contributor.

  9. Just living causes global warming to those who believe when e breath we cause it to happen. Being a mechanic I have seen over the years the great strides in reduceing it in cars trucks and bus's but still  everyone will have to stop breathing to slow it down. The sun produces it's share to as well as Valcanos earth quakes land or sea. and storms. create ozone as well. But the fact is if you want to really stop it the people bhind global warming just want to reduce the world population. If you look at China they could care less about global warming so if you want to slow it down don't by products from third world countries that don't have pollution laws like the US does. Tell Al gore to give back is 100,000 tons of carbon credits and ride a bike... It is those that have an ax to grind that spout all of this out there. But if you believe in the bible(Not Getting religous) Man will not and can not destroy the earth anyway and if he tries thats when Jesus is supposd to come just beofe he does. I believe we should be good stewards of the land but to destroy our econecy for the sake of the rest of the world and let them do what we can't because of our laws come on. Common since. As for sicence, it believed the world was flat for a long time and the earth was the center of the univers as well and there are many of siecnce therorys being proven wrong each day. Is global warming a threat? maybe but the kooks who spout it without backing are more of a threat to our way of life.

  10. global warming, if real at all, is simply an element of would be bound to happen with progress and civilization, and should not be tampered with...

  11. Global warming is as real as acid rain, air pollution and oil spills.   How can there be an industrial country with out the enviromental suffering.  We can observe climate change in our own part of the world, weather patterns, wild life behavior, we humans with wars, yeah as the planet goes so do we.

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