
Is global warming a serious issue in tody's life?

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  1. I'm pretty pleased with it so far.  I bought a house in January and it has a really nice pool.  Anyways it was far too cold so I didn't know if that was a good idea.  But I remembered that global warming seemed to happen pretty regularly.  And I was right.  It's like 90 outside and I will soon go dunk in the pool.  So global warming good.

  2. I say so because even if we do try to stop it later, it's not going to do much good. I think it's a serious issue now more than later because we can stop it now, but we need help, which calls for convincing people.  That's a difficult thing to do, like presidential campaigns.  You have to convince the country to vote for you, but when it comes to global warming, it's harder because you have to get the world on your side and have the same opinion as you.  Hope I helped.  Also, I'm not going to count out at least 100 words, I just wanted to answer your question dude, and I hope I did.  Good luck learning

  3. It's not a serious issue in my life.

  4. yes it is. i know you said to use atleast 100 words, but if i went into detail, it would be way too long so i'm going to make it short. studies show that by THIS september, most of the polar ice caps will melt. you can only imagine what is going to happen.

  5. Me, I'm not going to waste 100 words on this ridiculous subject. There is a perfectly good website that offers YOU so much more.

  6. Global warming is not an issue in todays life, serious or otherwise.  But the belief in it certainly is.

  7. I'm not good at writing essays. This is just a fairy tale, a THEORY and yet they're saying it like it's a fact! Unacceptable!

  8. The average teenager can reasonably expect to live another 60 years based on medical technology available today.  Given the Earth has warmed less than 1 degree over the last 150, the next 60 aren't going to be that much different than the last 60.  Minor adjustments over the decades will not be an issue compared to finding a mate, finding a job, paying your bills (and the ever increasing taxes), planning for retirement, taking care of kids....natural or man-made:  Global warming is such a non-issue.

  9. ya dude

    i think its the most serious issue in todays life

    if we dont stop this warming there will be a big flood on a global basses

  10. volcano`s under the sea is melting the ice caps, not global climate

  11. Not in the slightest.  Take a look at the proportion of gases in the earth's atmosphere and ask yourself: if the sliver that is CO2 increases by a tiny amount will that "imbalance" the energy of the earth and bring about the end of the world?

    You decide.

  12. As a real problem that needs to be addressed!? No. NASA data shows pretty conclusivly it's being caused by the sun's normal warming/cooling cycle, since ALL of the planets are warming.

    Global warning's only seriousness is:

    1) that it is just a scare tactic used to gain political power by the ecoterrorists - and it seems to be working; and

    2) the unbelievable gullibility of the people who are falling for this junk.

  13. No.

    It's just made to sound serious. The only serious thing about it is its indoctrination.

  14. yes it is ,this is the reason we are having tsunami,land slides and unexpected showers since it is affecting the environment on a larger scale......

  15. Whose tody? does he have a life

  16. Text from Website:

    U.S. technology and innovation can cool the climate and fuel new economic opportunities. NRDC outlines six energy-sector opportunities that can help America reduce global warming pollution 80 percent by 2050.

    My views:

    The biggest problems I have witnessed in our climate change debate as a human race are as follows... Humans don't have the power to effect the entire world climate, people pushing for reform are only interested in their own political gain, and my personal favorite, "It's not our fault".

    Well, fact of the matter is, our climate is changing whether it is our fault or not. Politicians can point their fingers and skeptics can deny the inevitable. The question I would like an answer to is this, "Whether it is our fault or not, if we have the resources to reduce the impact of climate change on our societies should we do it or let nature take its course?

  17. Yes, it is the MOST serious. Regular issues, the economy foreign affairs etc have no importance if there is no world to implement them on.

  18. NO it isn't, the proof ? If it were such the important issue of todays life, there would unequivical evidence of it. There would be an actual consensus regarding it among the scientists. What do we really have ?

    We have people like Al Gore and friends getting rich off the idiots that buy into the stupidity and have been proven to be lying to the general public.

    The polar bears aren't drowning, their population has more than doubled since 1974.

    They tell you the ice caps are melting but neglect to tell you there are under sea volcano's

    They tell you CO 2 is a major problem but temps have been plateauing since 1998 and went down 1/2 a degree world wide due to less sun spot activity.

    IF it were real, then they wouldn' t have to lie so much.

    The main cause of warming is DUH the sun. The main contributor of Co2 is the ocean.

    Warm weather has been shown NOT to be responsible for causing more hurricanes or increasing their intensity.

    LIES LIES LIES. When will it stop ?

    Back in the 70's during the pollution awareness campaigns, at least the ads were aimed at reducing pollution. And they worked for the most part as the decades passed.

    But here's Al (chicken little) Gore with a 'carbon credit' program, which doesn't reduce co2, it merely sets some unscientifically reached limit, then trades between companies and people. So if co2 even were a problem, Al Gore's system isn't doing anything to reduce it.

    Its also been shown that even if we followed every one of his suggestions and turned out lives upside down, there wouldn't be much change in climate.

    So here we are, whack-enviromentalism run amuk. Influencing our lives, telling us how to live, making bad policy and tainting how politicians vote due to special interests, meanwhile its the people's cost of living that's going up and getting turned upside down. And for what ? Someone's hoax ? someone's made up crisis so they can be rich ?

    This needs to stop.

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