
Is global warming aload of cods wallop?

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i,v just arrived back in britain and its raining and cold. i think that all this global warming bullsh@t the goverment feeds us through goverment controlled papers and news net works, is put in place to tax us on the little money there leave in our pockets..

what do you think give me a ANSWER..




  1. I don't know where some people got the idea that AGW was going to mean warm and sunny and lovely weather for everyone...

    There is a reason why people use words such as 'disaster', 'catastrophic', 'harmful'...

    Let's review the basic global warming theory as you don't seem to have a complete grasp of it:

    Human activities (e.g. 500 billion metric tons of carbon pumped into the atmosphere) disturb the natural equilibria of this planet including its climate.

    Thus: "climate change".

    The net result of this climate change is an increase in the average temperature of the planet.

    Thus: "Global warming".

    Mathematics, especially chaos theory, tells us that when one equilibrium changes to another there is usually a period of turbulence or chaos where everything starts to vary from the norm, often tending to the extremes and the amount of change increases (greater volatility).

    This is where we are now:

    The planet is warming up and weather patterns are becoming chaotic.

    Eventually, a new equilibrium will be reached wherein Australia may be drier, Europe may be warmer (or colder if the Gulf stream gets knocked out) etc.

    There are too many variables to make good predictions on exact regional outcomes. However, the chaotic period comes before the new equilibrium. We are entering that now - bigger swings in temperature locally and globally (hence 2008 being quite cold, 1998 being hot), bigger and more frequent storms, hotter, drier, colder, wetter...

    The fact that you its "raining and cold" is exactly in line with, and to a small degree, confirms the AGW theories.

    Get used to the extremes - that's what AGW means. I wouldn't be surprised if the winter is the warmest one ever - or the coldest for 20 decades. I will be surprised if it is just average everywhere...

  2. This question is becoming a cliche! It is NOT a load of 'cods wallop'. It is a scientifically proven theory. Yes it may be cold where you are currently. Global Warming does not work like that. Global warming is the increase in the [average measured temperature] of the Earth's [near-surface air and oceans] since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. Not the temperature of Britain today,

    The government is not making this up, as therefore you are suggesting that scientists can lie about their theories and experiments. Now tell me when this has happened in the past. Never.

    The problem with some people is that as soon as they feel inconvenienced or wary of something, they choose to ignore it, especially if they don't understand it.

    Now tell me this: why would the governments spend billions of dollars changing our industrialized nations, right when we are thriving? Not to fool their people, but to enable the world to remain as we know it.

    Scientists can trace back many millions of years into past periods of warming and cooling. Sure these trends have happened in the past, but never to the extent they are now. You do not have to be a fan of Al Gore to see this much, and its link to carbon dioxide gas emissions.

    Like religion and God, it is your choice whether to believe or not. I just hope you don't make up your mind when it is too late.    

  3. Yes, it’s cods wallop.

    1 Temperatures have been cooling since 2002, even as carbon dioxide has continued to rise.

    2 Carbon dioxide is a trace gas and by itself will produce little warming. Also, as CO2 increases, the incremental warming is less, as the effect is logarithmic so the more CO2, the less warming it produces.

    3 CO2 has been totally uncorrelated with temperature over the last decade, and significantly negative since 2002.

    4 CO2 is not a pollutant, but a naturally occurring gas. Together with chlorophyll and sunlight, it is an essential ingredient in photosynthesis and is, accordingly, plant food.

    5 Reconstruction of paleoclimatological CO2 concentrations demonstrates that carbon dioxide concentration today is near its lowest level since the Cambrian Era some 550 million years ago, when there was almost 20 times as much CO2 in the atmosphere as there is today without causing a “runaway greenhouse effect.”

    6 Temperature changes lead, not lag, CO2 changes on all time scales. The oceans may play a key role, emitting carbon dioxide when they warm as carbonated beverages lose fizz as they warm and absorbing it as they cool.

    7 Most of the warming in the climate models comes from the assumption that water vapor and precipitation increase as temperatures warm, a strong positive feedback. Water vapor is a far more important greenhouse gas than CO2. However, that assumption has been shown in observations and peer reviewed research to be wrong, and in fact water vapor and precipitation act as a negative feedback that reduces any small greenhouse warming from carbon dioxide.

    8 Indeed, greenhouse models show the warming should be greatest at mid to high atmosphere levels in the tropics. But balloon and satellite observations show cooling there. The greenhouse signature or DNA does not match reality, and the greenhouse models thus must greatly overstate the warming – and in a court of law would have to be acquitted of any role in global warming

    9 The sun has both direct and indirect effects on our climate. Solar activity changes on cycles of 11 years and longer. When the sun is more active it is brighter and a little hotter. More important though are the indirect effects. Ultraviolet radiation increases much more than the brightness and causes increased ozone production, which generates heat in the high atmosphere that works its way down, affecting the weather. Also, an active sun diffuses cosmic rays, which play an important role in nucleation of low clouds, resulting in fewer clouds. In all these ways the sun warms the planet more when it is active. An active sun in the 1930s and again near the end of the last century helped produce the observed warming periods. The current solar cycle is the longest in over 100 years, an unmistakable sign of a cooling sun that historical patterns suggest will stay so for decades.

    10 The multidecadal cycles in the ocean correlate extremely well with the solar cycles and global temperatures. These are 60 to 70 year cycles that relate to natural variations in the largescale circulations. Warm oceans correlate with warm global temperatures. The Pacific started cooling in the late 1990s and it accelerated in the last year, and the Atlantic has cooled from its peak in 2004. This supports the observed global land temperature cooling, which is strongly correlated with ocean heat content. Newly deployed N.O.A.A. buoys confirm global ocean cooling.

    11 Warmer ocean cycles are periods with diminished Arctic ice cover. When the oceans were warm in the 1930s to the 1950s, Arctic ice diminished and Greenland warmed. The recent ocean warming, especially in the 1980s to the early 2000s, is similar to what took place 70 years ago and the Arctic ice has reacted much the same way, with diminished summer ice extent.

    12 Antarctic ice has been increasing and the extent last year was the greatest in the satellitemonitoring era. We are running ahead of last year’s record pace.

    Taxing CO2 emissions in Europe does nothing to reduce anthropogenic CO2 at a global level... even IF CO2 actually even influences global warming.

  4. Dude global warming is real, if your had a look at global climate change over the past 4.6 billion years (the beginning of the earth) you would see that its been happening since the creation of the earth.

    The thing is we are coming out of an ice age and the rate is faster then usual so people are kind of freaking out, but if you have a look over past 2 million years (the quaternary) the climate has been changing rapidly from cold to hot frequently so we arent really sure whats going on! We humans arent the cause of global warming its natural and we will adapt to the changes!

    Whats the harm if your government wants to invest in global warming? They will be investing in your country, making renewable resources more available (which is great for every1) and your people wont be subjected to as many dangerous materials and such? So you have to pay an extra few bucks so your great great great great great children live in a beautiful world?  Is it that bad ( sucks that we have to pay for something that isnt our fault tho!)

    Sorry mate!

  5. Cods Wallop, i like that one. Yes, global wearming is a bunch of hooy, a hoax, a fraud.  

    31,000 Signatures Prove ‘No Consensus’ About Global Warming

  6. I used to think it was just an interesting but unproven theory that could yet turn out to be true.

    The more time I spend in this forum the more I realize that yes, it's just the latest iteration of the Malthusian catastrophe.

  7. Been in the upper 90's and sunny here for the last week.   Visit Glacier National Park in Montana, USA sometime and see what you think then; they are almost out of glaciers.    And no, glaciers are not the remnants of the last ice age 20,000 years ago.

  8. What's confusing is the name change from global warming to climate change.  Global warming is the increase in atmospheric temperature because of increased greenhouse gases.  That would mean that the temperature should be steadily increasing on a global basis.  However, we've had a ten year leveling off and apparent cooling trend.  Under the 'laws' of global warming, it is impossible for this to happen.  I suspect that this is why the name was changed to 'climate change'...a term that can cover any scenario while keeping the scam alive.

    Global warming is, by the cooling trend of the past ten years, not happening.  At least it's not happening as explained by it's definition.  What has happened in the past decade is proof of that.  It is becoming so apparent that it is a fraud...that's my guess as to why they suddenly and without explanation change the name.  

  9. I love the answers received thus far:  Yes, it's proven (we were in an Ice Age, now we're not).  The dollop of wallop is the blaming of man for the tail end of this trend.

  10. No, it's proven science.  EVERY major scientific organization in the US (probably also in Britain) has issued an official statement that it's real, and mostly caused by us.

    But it only means the average temperature is going up slowly.  It doesn't mean weather stops, that it won't get cold and rainy from time to time.

    By the way there was no "name change".  It's always been climate change to scientists.  A REPORTER invented the term global warming in the 1980s for his story, and it stuck.  Nowadays the two terms are used interchangeably, if not precisely.

    It's a sign of how desperate the deniers are, that they make a big deal about something invented by a reporter.  The scientific facts are against them.

  11. Cods wallop?  I've never heard that before.  Pretty funny.

    If by fraud, or deceit to trick people into surrendering their lucre, liberty, or their lives, by all means, it's a load of cods wallop.

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