
Is global warming and reducing its effects now everybodies responsiblity?

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Yes, then how can we? No, then why not?




  1. To Zestorser, ummm... where did you get that the sun is causing global warming, its been around for billions of year, nothing like this has ever happened.

  2. You can do yours and my part, By not ever driving a car or riding in any motor vehicle. Do not heat your house or use electricity. You and others need to do this so I can keep driving my Hummer and SUV. So I can leave lights on, Keep my heat at 80 in the winter and 60 in the summer. Keep beleiving in what you hear about the sky is falling.

  3. i would copy and paste what evan said but im to lazy for even that now.. its getting boring answering all of these man made global warming believers..

  4. no, because the sun causes global warming not people. FYI sun is resting now, in a few years all you will hear is global cooling!!!!

    Lets deal with the real issue we can solve!, POLUTION!!!!!

  5. Yes

  6. try visiting and reading this site:

    Real, unbiased and complete scientific research done by a "non-profit" organization that isn't on the "payroll" of any special interest group, political group or governmental fundings.

    If you take the time to read it, you will be much more informed of the real truth regarding the natural cycle we are going thru and not the "man made" scam that is being shoved down our throats.

    In addition, if global warming is man made and such a threat, why does this site have a petition w/ over 19,000 signatures of scientists backing this petition???

  7. Yes it is every ones responsibility. All we need to do is try a bit harder to take care of our planet. Cut down on fossil fuel usage, try to be a bit more green.

  8. Global Warming is a fraud

  9. Nope...I'd have to contribute to it, first.  Figure out how I'm responsible for solar output, and the Earth's orientation to the sun, then we can discuss my portion of the bill.

  10. Yes, we should all pitch in to reduce global warming, We can do this by recycling and reusing some of our daily products. you can recycle cans, paper, etc. sun drying ur cloth and such

    theres lots of resources on the web just google them

    heres 10 things u can do

  11. I think all of us to start with our local community. Try to drive less, using car pool to work and back home (if possible), try to use more public transportation, try to use No. 11 bus for short distances, try to use less energy, try not to buy a big engine car, try to consume less plastic bags, try not to over-bought groceries, and many normal things you can do good to protect our environment. Try to lobby the government to use no fossil fuel for power generating electricity just like Hong Kong.

    Hong Kong is the most polluted city in this world and more than 1.5 millions are sicked with asthma, lung and heart deceases. Streets walkers are dangerous to intake the particulates, and Marathon runner had died in the recent race.

  12. Yes it definitely is. People today are saying that its not our problem- its not going to happen for years anyways. Then some people say that its not our fault at all and some people go as far as to say it doesnt even exist!


       Global warming is definitely happening. The skin cancer rate is on the rise.

       The weather keeps going up and down.

       Hurricanes have been ravaging and theier numbers are increasing.

       I have to admit though- its not easy to stop polluting. I mean, how would we get anywhere without cars and trains and busses? There is this new car called the hybrid. There are alternatives to using gas as fuel. Yet these things are so expensive- the average person cant afford them.

       And in summer- omg, how can we give up our air conditioners? Its so sticky and gooey and hot without them!

       I think that the government has to get involved. They need to look at the big picture, not at the economy of wherever you live because in the long run thats not going to matter much,. They should lower the prices of things that we can buy to help.

       We need to fight the price.

  13. Yes and apart from a small minority in America the rest of the developed World woke up to this several years ago! Several posters have already mentioned ways in which we can help and the "No" camp has very succinctly identified where they stand "NMFP"!!

  14. It's everyone's responsibility to pursue the truth. I don't believe the truth falls on a side that silences the opposition, manipulates data, and  presents it's case in a highly reactionary mannner.

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