
Is global warming another scare story for political and financial gain?

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make big buisness pay for re-cycling instead of taxing us




  1. Taken in a broad sense very few gain politically or financially from accepting that man made global warming is occurring.  Politically and financially it is a development which has costs the world could do without.  In a real sense what is scary is the possibility that mankind will not take the measures soon enough to do what is necessary to tackle the problem.  The complete unanimity of the worlds preeminent scientific organisations on the dangers of global warming should be enough to stop people from wasting time with glib theorising and actually start supporting action which needs to be taken with some haste.

  2. It is a little of both. There is some really good science at its heart and that should be respected. As long as it stays within the realm of science and engineering it is a perfectly acceptable subject to study.

    The political and financial gain comes from the panic mongering by fraudulent Chicken Littles like Gore who run around screaming "The Sky is Burning! The Sky is Burning!", scaring people but never doing anything practical to actually address the situation.

    The silliest scam of all, which would make any sideshow huckster proud, is the carbon offset trading shell game.  Punish some unwitting dope who puts a gallon of gas in his tank by taxing him, plant a tree in some cholera infested hellhole (or at least say you did), and pocket a nice commission in the process.

    If they want to really fight the problem quit scamming the public and invest in developing reliable, useful, electric vehicles and fusion power plants to generate the electricity they will require.  Bring the solution to the market like anyone else and if it is good people will buy it.

  3. I know some of you have already seen this quote by Chip Giller, but I particularly like it:

    So-called "global warming" is just a secret plot by wacko tree huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st-century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable.

    Don't let them get away with it!

  4. Check out this site

  5. No, sometimes the truth is scary.

    But yes, you are being told lies, such as the lie that global warming is a scare story.  The most profitable company in the world funds denial information, and has an unusual amount of control over your government:

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Here's who manufactures the stories, such as the appropriately named "Junk Science" segment on Fox News:

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, documents how the media supports the false appearance of controversy on the topic of global warming:

    We resist bad news by creating a theory that maybe someone is telling us the news as a fear tactic.  That allows us to not change our behavior and to keep burning oil and coal to bring the consequences on as soon as possible.

  6. I don't get this political and financial gain c**p?  Global warming is not like jumping in a civil war in order to gain access to oil, now that's political and financial gain.  Let's look at this logically.  Was it the politicians that invented global warming?  Heck no it wasn't.  Scientists have been predicting this c**p for decades.  So how is a politician going to take what expert scientists that have NO affiliation with those politicians whatsoever, and use it for their personal gain?  IT makes no freakin sense, global warming is about the last thing that's going to make anyone money, or get anyone in office.  I see politicians avoiding the topic much more than addressing it.

  7. Business already recycles.  American business is on top of recycling because recycling increases profits.

    Yes, global warming is being used for financial gain.  Gvmts are trying to raise taxes in the name of warming.  In California, the gvmt is trying to control every ones home thermostat.

  8. I think you are forgetting about the funding issue. I'm glad scientists are receiving funds to study our climate. However, if you can't see that this issue has been politicized, well no offense, but you are blind. This has become a Liberal vs. Conservative movement, and science will suffer by the outcome. When the public sees how mislead they were by the left, they will be left with a distrustful notion toward science in general. I don't understand how many people seem to think the scientific community is immune to bias. They are not. Every one of us here is susceptible to this very human phenomenon.

  9. are you re-cycling..more important is Al Gore in his mansion?

  10. It is a scare tactic. Many people don't understand that many companies will make money from it. Oil companies such as British Petroleum are advertising heavily as being green. General Electric is using it to scare us, and they will certainly make money off of it. GE owns MSN and they have plenty of NEWS about GE being green. You mentioned re-cycling and it's ironic because the biggest employer in my town is a aluminum recycling plant.

  11. Yes.  The latest news is that the earth is actually going into a cooling off cycle, not a warming up one.  

    Propaganda.  It's used with both good and bad intentions.  Hitler used it for bad, Martin Luther King used it for good.  People who can't think for themselves are the most susceptible to it.  It's okay  to be frugal with our resources, that makes good sense.  But to do what "some" want to do, would set us back 300 years.

    Unbiased research is the only real truth out there today.

  12. No its happening but its not AS big of a deal as there making it out to be... Its going to happen and theres nothing we can do about it you know so people are using it to theyre advantage int he mein time for instance vote for me for a greener tomorrow ect.

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