
Is global warming avoidable or is it that we can only reduce it?

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consider the following points:

i) the need for development

ii) the human civilization

iii) the human greed

iv) population

v) other relevant information




  1. It's not avoidable anymore.......the only chance we have now is to reduce it.  Perhaps after it gets to a point where it is reduced enough, it can then be avoided.

  2. You need to do your own homework.

  3. It IS NOT too late to act against climate change.  We have everything we need to make a difference.  If you watch the end of An Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore's great documentary laying out basic science) he shows at the end that if we make efforts, our nation(the top contributor to climate change), we can reduce our emissions to below 1970 levels.

    More people are aware of climate change than ever before.  If we rise up to meet this challenge, WE CAN make a difference.  Even if the world warms for decades to come, efforts now can stop warming in future decades.

    As a species (your point about human civilization is here), we have already tripled our lifespan, wiped out diseases, survived world wars and threats of nuclear annilation, walked on the moon.  Why can't doing everything possible to make life for creatures on earth vibrant and healthy be another of our successes?  

    The fact that we have knowledge of the situation and resources to make a difference is power enough.  The point should be that doing everything we possibly can to meet this crisis and solve it is the only option, we should not set our minds on anything else.

  4. How do you reduce something that hasn't happened?  Global warming is a theory, not a fact.  It's still a theory after all this time, backed up by some 'anti-science', or science that isn't real.   I think the world is spending too much time and money on it.  Education and communication are the roads to the answer, but the alarmists aren't interested in answers.

  5. Global warming is neither avoidable or are we able to reduce it.  Why?  Because we have little effect on it at all, just like in Global cooling.

    Did you know that in the 70's the same Liberals were saying we were going into an "Ice age"?

    What ever happened to Acid rain, or UV caused cancer from the destroyed ozone layer, or on Y2K?

    As you can see, the "Chicken Little" Green alarmists have been around for quite some time.  And they always make loads of money off our more stupid members of society.

  6. Yes, it is avoidable!  You and I will both live to avoid it.

    Considering your other points, it's almost like people are this invading virus out to destroy its host (the planet).  Some of us think people are a good thing, we belong here, and plan to be here for at least a little while longer.  

    I believe it is incredibly arrogant to tell others how they should live their lives, how many children they may have, or who they must give their money and property to.

    If you study the Global Warming (environmental) movement these are the only consistent principles they follow.

    If they were actually interested in clean energy, they'd be preaching about nuclear power (Al conveniently ignores it), they wouldn't fight against wind farms (the Kennedy's, W. Cronkite, & more) and  they would not have forced the U.S. (last month) to suspend issuing permits for solar farm permits!

  7. If global warming is to be slowed and the world at large helped to recover from the years of abuse, it will need the co-operation of ALL nations, not just the so-called "super powers", and in turn, it will need every person to help reduce waste and act in a responsible manner, but I know that this will never happen because of the threats to profits, share dividends, fat cat salaries and general corporate greed.

  8. At the rate we are going Global Warming will happen. It is because of companies greed of money and humans fear of change that not enough has happened to slow it down. If every person on this planet opened their eyes to what they are doing and what is going on and we all worked together to make real changes, I do believe that in time it will slow but I'm not sure it will ever stop happening. The bottom line is: instead of waiting for the sun to burn out.. we are just going to kill the earth first, and everything on it.

  9. Global warming is mostly caused by the Sun. We can neither reduce nor increase it.  Sun spot activity is down now, so we aren't even warming, we are cooling right now. We have been cooling for the last 4 years now.  And we will warm again, when the sun spot activity increases again.  So let's look at your question's points.

    Need for development; by saying Global Warming is man made the UN and it's 3rd world memebers get to tax the wealth from the larger well developed nations (that's us)

    human civilization;  Yea,  like that argument that if it saves just one life it's worth it.

    human greed;  This one works both ways. Yes the underdeveloped nations and their despot leaders want our wealth, and they use greed the other way too, by letting people like you give away the shop so you won't feel like you've been greedy.

    population ; Warming or cooling won't really effect population. Maybe cooling could incrase population by more s*x due to sleeping togeather for warmth.  OR  maybe increase population due to better health due to a warmer climate. Or decrease population due to less physical contact due to BO from warmth, or maybe less physical contact because of more work brought on by cooler climates.  

    If you are inferring that population is causing Man Made Global Warming, remember in the 70's they said there would not be enough food or water for the worlds population by 2000.  They were wrong then too. Earth in the Balance said the Mississippi would be dry from droughts and extreem high Man Made Global Temps. brought on by the internal combustion engine. That temps in the mid west would be over 200 degrees farenheight by the year 2000, if we didn't get rid of cars now (1970).

    Relevant information;

    The world's climate has been warmer than it is today in the past.  It has been cooler in the past.  The climate is always changing.  If man could controll the climate, he would.  CO2 makes up less than .2% of our atmosphere's gasses.  No evedence has been found that CO2 causes Global Warming.  At the same time Earth was warming, so were Venus and Mars.  At the same time Earth cools, so are Venus and Mars.  By present CO2 warming models standards, Mars would have a surface Temperature of 332-331 degrees Celceus. It's more like -30 Farenheight.  By CO2 models Venus would have a surface Temp of about 100 degrees Farenheight, but in reallity it more like 700.  While to most people this would seem to mean there is a problem with the great fantastic computer model used to forcast man made global warming,  in reallity everyone seems to just over look this and keep chugging along with new ways to destroy our economy, and keep believing in a media hypped up idea that we are responceble for our climate, and it's warming, and it's the US's fault, etc., etc.. Oh and another fact, you can get grant money to study Man Made Global Warming, you will probably get fired if you study any natural effects of warming or cooling.  Remember they fired the head of NASA's Temp. Probe program when he said " it has been warmer and it has been cooler on Earth before. The climate changes in cycles effected by the sun."  He not only wasn't heard, he was fired because he didn't push the Man Made Global Warming model.

  10. GW is not happening. The green house gas is not there.!!!

  11. The best thing we can do about global warming is to stop thinking of it as a real threat. It isn't and the best thing to do is certainly to NOT hit everyone with the hidden tax of cap-and-trade restrictions.

    We should insist that all those holier-than-thou alarmists in politics and Hollywood start driving only small fuel efficient cars, stop flying private jets, live in houses that only take the US average electricity, ride bikes and walk whenever possible, stop using pleasure boats, cut down on unnecessary parties, and stop acting like amatuer scientists. Until that happens they have no credibility.

  12. Well, we cannot undo the damage we have already caused, ripping a hole in the o-zone layer. But we can stop it from happening. Which will be very hard. I am fairly certain that, that can't happen because we cannot officially STOP using cars, which is the ultimate problem, so we can only reduce it.

  13. The Earth's climate has changed between hot and cold for BILLIONS of years.  We are merely between ice-ages.  I'm sure humans have sped up the process, but so did the dinosaurs and lots and lots of volcanoes.

  14. We should all live like Al Gore who started this fear of global warming.  Oh no if we live like him who seems to have much more then what anyone needs the world resources would be consumed.

  15. The Earth has Cooled and Warmed many times over millions of years..... with and without man.  

    Certain individuals and organizations who desire fame, fortune and political power are attempting to convince the masses that we have done something wrong and now we have to pay for it ..... literally.

    Please don't fall for it.

  16. We cannot reduce it and we cannot avoid it. It has nothing to do with CO2 and, therefore, there is no mitigation proposal that can have any effect.

  17. since it's already happening, fairly obviously we can't avoid it.

    with all of the extra CO2 in the air, even if we stopped today, warming would continue for several decades.

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