
Is global warming bad?

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Is global warming bad?





  2. It isn't good. Are you serious?

  3. Manmade global warming is neither good nor bad, it doesn't exist.

    The recent solar warming caused no climatic changes.  

  4. There is good and bad in every scenario.  Overall, the slight warming we have had has been beneficial.  I don't think any reasonable analyses could conclude otherwise.  

  5. of course it can cause the earth to flood

  6. Do you mean like bad=good? Or send it to bed without supper 'bad'? You could, also be suggesting that it's bad to the bone.

    Do I sense personification?

  7. To mankind they say it is nasty


    To nature they say it is a disaster


    To the world it is just something that happens every so often that is why there is no dinosaurs


  8. There's no such thing as global warming!  I'm tired of this.  The Earth cannot and will not last forever people!

  9. i think so!!!!!

  10. Yes.

  11. no, wow, somebody is question happy today.

    troll, or top contributer?

  12. Of course not. In 3.4 days the world is going to burst into flames from extensive heat. We'll all be incinerated here on planet earth. Those lucky ones who survive will go through the next phase of global warming, called global cooling. In other words, another ice age will come, and just imagine The Day After Tomorrow scenario. As soon as the icy coldness reaches you, you freeze instantly. Eventually, it will get so cold, it will reach absolute zero. At absolute zero, all motion will stop, and the world will collapse in a black hole. Then another big bang will follow.

    So in short. WE ALL DIE!  So no, global warming is not bad!!!
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