
Is global warming dangerous for the WORLD???

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Is global warming dangerous for the WORLD???




  1. Might be bad for some places but here in Scotland it can only be good,less people dying from the cold,less snow less ice = less accidents in Winter,longer growing season for farmers means we can grow more food,sunnier weather means more tourists,i hope it hurries up and comes as i'm fed up freezing my balls off in whats supposed to be the Spring

  2. No only dangerous for what lives on the world

    The planet will go on for billions of years more

  3. Only since All Gore got a Nobel prize for talking about it

         How many cars does this dude own,when was the last time

         he walked somewhere.Shut your mouth All, the bad breath

         is killing the ozone layer man......Last week I read that the world  

         was cooling down,like one week coffee's bad for you,the

         following week it's o.k Then chocolate is good ===then

         it is bad.What next xxxxxxxxdrugs are ok

  4. Global warming is a hoax!!!!

  5. you're veeeeery bored right?

  6. yes. click on link below to find more

  7. Is the Pope a Catholic?

  8. dude u should watch more news....yes it is dangerous in the long run

  9. you FAIL in life...<_<

  10. NONE that I can see -- no one has died -- not one single person.

    However millions die each year from something as simple as the lack of fresh water or food.

  11. no just for people. the world has gone through many climate cycles since the dawn of time, seen any wooly mammoths lately?

  12. you're gonna get a lot of sarcasm from that question

  13. it thought GLOBAL said it all.

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