
Is global warming effecting North Atlantic right whales? How?

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For my project...I was clicking through some links and it said that the right whales are down to 300 or something, and that global warming was hurting them even further, but there wasn't any good information. If you know or can supply a good link, it'd help so much!

~~Ali. :)




  1. There is absolutely no data to support this theory. Of course, there is no data to support AGW, but that does not stop the AGW crazies from proclaiming it as fact, so go ahead and make the claim.

  2. thu global warming iz prolabi heating up thu waters tu a temp thy cant handl

  3. The North Atlantic Right Whale was first put into danger by the whaling industry during which hundreds of thousands of whales were slaughtered.

    The biggest danger they have today remains humans but now in the form of being tangled up in fishing gear or being hit by a large ship.

    There food is small sea creatures which are themselves reducing in numbers because of the rising sea temperatures. This is causing food shortages for whales. The Gray whales on the Pacific coast of the USA are already showing signs of malnutrition and are much skinnier than in previous years.

    A site for whale info is

    You can also use google or Altavista news alerts by entering whales and climate change.

    Good luck

  4. Didn't you hear, scientists now say we are in a 10 year global cooling period?

  5. Here try this on for size, it's occurring more frequently then anything associated with warming.

    Or search: Whales trapped in ice

  6. GLOBAL WARMING is causing excessive fresh water to make all the oceans rise and 30 to 50 whales die each year due to starvation. not being able to find food due to their food has more room to hide in, so they starve, like the fishing vessels of fishermen that go to sea to catch fish for fisheries to no avail. too much fresh water and no money or people to turn it around. plus all this water thats rising is making all our continents smaller in dry land. IS THE only way to go.   HAVE A NICE DAY.

  7. The left whales are doing just fine so I am happy with it.


    You might have to really, really, dig for some informationon this.

    OMG, Girl, I wish I had y/a when I was in school.  Well I am in school just college! lol


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