
Is global warming manmade?

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if it is please back up with info

if not please ack up with info




  1. Some people say that it was manmade , but what about the ice age where the temperature rose drematicly and there were no cars or factories . Though , yes I think golbal warming was manmade because of all the popluation . We  are over heating our planet !!

  2. yes it is, such as pollution Where did it come from? cars that were made by humans, factories, finding gas was the biggest factor that helped humans but now ruining our lives, so u see not everything is going to last forever it will run out they have consequences.

  3. No, it is natural, but we are speeding it up, and we are possibly altering a delicate, time taking process which if changed could cause a mass extinction, like when the dinosaurs died out.

  4. It is and isn't. The world is going through a time that it is changing just like us when we get older. The temperatures might change to cold, or hot. The burnings that we create are making the changes in temperatures switch faster.

  5. Anthropogenic or man-made CO2 accounts for 0.117%, while other greenhouse gases that are man-made represent 0.163%. This makes the total effect of the industrialization of man on greenhouse gases about 0.28%, or a little more than one quarter of one percent. Again, we'll rationalize this, 99.72% of greenhouse gases are a natural ongoing process that we cannot control. So if we were to completely eliminate human activity from the equation, there would be almost no effect whatsoever on the global climate.

    The funny part is, if you argue as a scientist against the alarmists, your funding is pulled, you are discredited, and destroyed. This is for pointing out the basic facts.  I linked to an article that covers this below, and even cites examples.

    To speak the precise language of Scientific Fact makes you a target of the Alamists, who know that the cash cow is in the untruths!

    Fact - Man Made Global Warming is a Myth

  6. No empirical proof exists for either side.

  7. The truth is no one knows. The earth is 4.54 billion years old and if that was a clock humans would be around only a few seconds and much smaller time line for the idea of global warming.

  8. Nobody knows, anybody who says yes has absolutely zero knowledge of statistics.

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