
Is global warming more of a political issue or scientific issue?

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Is global warming more of a political issue or scientific issue?




  1. Global warming is real. The Arctic is getting warmer. Listen to Ole Mathis Eira who has lived in there all his 50 years,

  2. 100% political.

    There is no scientific evidence supporting AGW.

  3. What do you expect from a bogus forum...real answers?

  4. A science issue that has been hijacked by politicians to create a public bandwagon.

  5. It started as a scientific issue in the 80's and now that it is a well known FACT, it is a political issue becuase the politicians need to do something about it..stricter envoirnmental policies and things like that..

  6. it is a religion

  7. Scientists, and most people, agree that it's a scientific issue.

    There are, however, some politicians, with no discernible scientific training, who seem to think it is a political issue.

    PS Al Gore approached it as a science, not a political issue.

  8. It is a scientific issue. Scientists are reporting on changes, and we should listen to the analyses of scientists (as opposed to the interpretations of certain ex-Vice President politicians) on every aspect of it.

    It ceases to be a scientific issue and instead becomes a political issue as soon as people start taking sides. In reality, all of environmentalism is a matter of preference. Nobody wants ZERO parking lots or ZERO factories. But nobody wants ZERO nature either. Different people prefer different balances of civilization and nature. There is no "correct" amount of either, just as there is no correct amount of global warming.

    Global warming will change the planet, though probably not very much in your lifetime. Let's assume for a second that the ice caps completely melt. Here are some effects of this:

    1. People will be able to live in Antarctica.

    2. A warmer planet is a wetter planet. More land will be arable (farmable).

    3. coastal cities will move inland. Whether this is good or bad is a matter of preference (thought the move itself will be expensive).

  9. Baghdad Bob is back on tour I see...


  10. The global nature of the issue suggests that it transcends politics, because it transcends political boundaries. Though like any global issue it will affect politics, it is more of a scientific issue that requires the collective effort of all states.

  11. Global warming is a scientific issue.

    What we do to address the problem is a political issue.

  12. A scientific issue that others are turning into a political issue.

  13. it's being made more of a political issue which leads to scientific solutions even though it was science which cause it.

  14. It is definetly a scientific issue but the political input brings fuel to the process

  15. Global warming is nothing more than a religion. Earth has been warming and cooling since its inception. Man has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Just so you know, man produces less than 3% of all carbon into the atmosphere, and a good chunk of that is from each of us breathing.

    This is an issue to scare people into letting government control their lives, and like I said, it is a religion for many.

  16. Global Warming was considered science up until the year 2000 along with stem cell research, reproductive health, cosmology, and natural selection or punctuated equilibrium ("evolution" to the ignorant) when George Bush made them political issues.  People have short memories, and five years from now he will be mostly forgotten and his minions will be back among the "flying saucers killed Kennedy" types.

  17. both it is scientific fact that politically should be more of a concern

  18. Its more of a religion than science. And its more political then religion.

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