
Is global warming one of the biggest reasons Coral reefs now face extinction?

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Brian Huse, the executive director of the Coral Reef Alliance. "Over the past 35 to 50 years, we've lost 25% of our reefs worldwide."

"Corals have a symbiotic relationship with a kind of algae that provide nutrients and energy through photosynthesis — not to mention the vivid colors we associate with coral reefs. When corals are stressed by rising temperatures, the algae are expelled by the coral, turning the reefs bone white. That's a "bleaching event," and bleached coral are left weakened and defenseless against disease. Increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere also lead to more acidic seas, which impairs the ability of corals to form their skeletal reefs. (In acidic water, the reefs simply dissolve.) ""

"Global Marine Species Assessment (GMSA) published Thursday in Science, one-third of the more than 700 species of reef-building corals are threatened with extinction. Compare that to a decade ago, when only 2% of corals were endangered."




  1. its a factor in it.

  2. Most things in nature are cyclic, its what keeps things in balance.  I do not believe coral reefs are in danger of extinction, nor do I believe GW has anything to do with it.  Unfortunately, we don't hear about any real science  If you listen to the news you hear the terms "could be,"  "maybe,"  "most likely," etc., when they tell us about environmental issues.  This is junk science.

  3. no

  4. the biggest reason is overfishing

    Especially with drag nets .

    This removes the fish that eat and keep the algae under control.

    Without algae eating fish ,the algae runs amok and covers the coral which chokes and dies.

    Pollution does a lot of damage as well ,and the occasional physical destruction of collision with boats.A recent incident did huge damage on the biggest corral field in the world .

    Warmer water temperature also stimulate excess growth of algae,so Global warming does not help.

    With the coral breeding grounds for fish gone the whole area suffers with a declining fish population and  predator fish also leave .

    Many fishing groups have now agreed to schedule and compartmentalize their fishing operations

    But invading factory ships with dragnets do not abide by these agreements leading to violence at sea between small fishing boats against huge factory ships

    Recently in Mexico shots were fired.and the navy had to intervene

    Many corral field s world wide have turned into submerged wastelands

    Kelp forest die of mainly because of ofshore pollution

  5. What about the tourists that are going there ------ or the vessels that are hitting them?

    I am sure that in the past there were not as many people who where out on the reefs

    I think global warming is only part of the problem

  6. I honestly think that it mainly is carelessness from humans! I mean, think about it. We are constantly polluting the ocean with our trash, and aren't we always the ones that go looking for coral reefs and go on touching them, which instantly kills the coral and it affects sea life? And aren't we , humans , the main reason that global warming started in the first place? It's all a big circle that comes back to US!!!!!!!!!

  7. No, the effects of the 1998 El Nino are responsible for coral loss.  Global warming has nothing to do with it.  There was a rare severe El Nino southern oscillation, and there have been others in the past.  This has been proven, but Al Gore doesn't accept it.

  8. No.  According to the same article you cited: It's humans because of overfishing "especially the kind that uses dynamite or poison to kill whole schools of fish — destroys the coral directly, while polluted runoff from agriculture simply chokes them."

  9. yes wif other problems.

    such as fishing and poluttion.

  10. According to the latest readings ocean temperatures are stable.  According to an NPR report I heard a few days ago.

  11. Hmm that is interesting, i would have thought that the biggest factors for the current decline in coral reefs would be to some extent tourism but mainly overfishing, especially beam trawling which involves dragging a huge metal bar accross the sea floor.

    However that artical shows climate change is a major threat to coral reefs. I would not have thought that would be the case as coral reefs are associated with warm shallow tropical seas, however if they are loosing their food source and being affected by changes in oceanic acidity that really is bad news and not just for corals.

  12. No Global Hoax does not affect the reefs.  I did a dive recently.  It is due to Water Pollution.  And, the bleaching effect is actually from bleach, likie clorox.  

    Some of the reefs are actually blown apart by explosives.  One person here said dynamite fishing.  That is the biggest destroyer of The Great Barrier Reef, crazy Australians.  Blame Mick Dundee for dynamite fishing.  

    US NAVY is even sinking there own mothball ships to make artificial barriers now.

  13. The way you premise your question is a farce so this cannot be answered properly. You propose that Global Warming must be a fact. Well, the fact is, there exists no scientific data anywhere in the world which suggests that Global Warming is in fact taking place or is any kind of reality. Further, there are human and non human factors why some reefs are dying; however, there are also human and non human factors why many small or new coral reefs are growing and taking place as new coral reefs can be grown such as all of the new reefs off of Dubai. However, you have a ridiculous premise which begs the question from the reader such as this of "where in the h**l do you get your bad information from"?

  14. Yes.  

    Is it the fault of humans?  No.  

    Do some people assuage their guilt (a universal human trait usually addressed with religion) with the cult of global warming?  Yes.

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