Many people believe that global warming is causing the rise of Earth's temperature. They think that humans have pumped sooo much CO2 into the atmosphere, that we are making the greenhouse effect worse and worse.
But then, there are people who think that the sun is outputting more rays than normal, thus creating the higher temperatures. They believe that the sun has periods where it has more rays go out, and has less rays go out over time...thus when less rays go out-we have an ice age.
Qoute from a scientist: "The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."
Now Ive been a firm believer of humans causing the climate change, but Im very open to this type of topic.
What are your views on these two subjects and any evidence to back it up?