
Is global warming or sun ray increase true?

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Many people believe that global warming is causing the rise of Earth's temperature. They think that humans have pumped sooo much CO2 into the atmosphere, that we are making the greenhouse effect worse and worse.

But then, there are people who think that the sun is outputting more rays than normal, thus creating the higher temperatures. They believe that the sun has periods where it has more rays go out, and has less rays go out over time...thus when less rays go out-we have an ice age.

Qoute from a scientist: "The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

Now Ive been a firm believer of humans causing the climate change, but Im very open to this type of topic.

What are your views on these two subjects and any evidence to back it up?




  1. Believe me!!!!!!!!!! this is really an issue for our future generation.......

    have you ever heard about greenhouse effect ? If not then go through this link ...

    you will have all the answer after this

  2. sure is

  3. Does human activity have any effect on the temperature of our environment? Common sense would say there must be some effect. But if the Earth's temperature has risen a degree in the last 20 years (or pick your own alarmist figure) how much of that one degree is humanity's fault?

    The fact is that the sun goes through regular, measurable, historically known cycles, and we are in the midst of one of those cycles where the solar output is rising.

    Now the fact that almost all energy on this planet (other than some geothermal energy) can be attributed to the sun would seem to indicate that the majority of that single degree temperature change has been caused by the sun.

    Are greenhouse gasses involved? Well, yes. But the No. 1 greenhouse gas in our atmosphere (and the one that is conspicuously abscent from Al Gore's movie) is water vapor. In fact, water vapor has (by even the most conservative estimates) three times the effect on the atmosphere's temperature as does CO2.

    Accepting Al Gore's CO2 measurements, we are talking about CO2 change as a percentage of all greenhouse gasses of something like 2 percent. Of course, the big changes in Gore's CO2 measurements occured when he stopped using measurements of CO2 taken in the Arctic at sea level and started using measurements of CO2 taken at the rim of a volcano in Hawaii, so you can trust his CO2 measurements if you like ...

    The fact is, the climate and our atmosphere is so complex, that to boil down changes to one variable (CO2) you would need to hold all other variables constant, something the alarmists have not done even with their own measuring techniques, which is bad science ... a phrase that can be applied to the whole global warming scare.

  4. There is "global Warming" on all the other planets. The "man causing global warming" theory, is pure junk science.

  5. The sun's output is rising and it has been for about 4 decades. Mars and Pluto are also heating up.

    I would like to see who the "scientist" is that says the output is dropping and how he could explain other planets heating up.

  6. Their data doesn't support it. The CO2 well why is it a problem God put plants here to cohabitant with us . The plants need CO2 as much as u need oxygen . They say it is hiding in the ocean HA! try and put salt in a coke . CO2 will spray the coke all over u . CO2 will not stay in salty water .

    Then there is methane but they missed it also . Methane is very light making it impossible to measure it. Well there may be a large lake of methane high in the atmosphere . Sorry again it is not there where have u hidden it. If there are no green house gases ,there is no global warming.

  7. if anything it is mostly the sun to blame. Te earth has gone through warming period even b4 all of this "polluting" started. Ice ages have come and gone and then we had nothing to do with it. So now im certain we have little to nothing to do with.

    Are there martians? :-O

    p.s. good to see people who are being led by the blind everynow and then :)

  8. It is amazing to me that we have generated all these atmospheric scientists that think they understand how the climate works because they have a vague idea  how a greenhouse works and they know in their heart that mankind is bad and must be responsible for the weather.  In fact, even scientists who have doctorates don't understand the effects of the various greenhouse gases, CO2 being one of them (and not the most important).  You get a few politicians pandering to wackos and you get the willing accomplises in the media cooperating and pretty soon you have a crisis that we must now surrender our liberties and our money so that these politicians pretending to be scientists can save us from ourselves.  You are a believer in human caused climate change.  I think you should be skeptical.  Clearly the sun is in an active period, that is a fact.  It is fantasy and wild speculation that human release of CO2 is causing the recent warming trend.  If CO2 were so important, why did we have a cooling period from 1940 to 1970?

  9. This authoritative source directly answers your question, with data.

    Bottom line.  The Sun is responsible for about 10%.  The data in this graph is solid, verified, and peer reviewed.

    Good sites for more information:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

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