
Is global warming our fault, or is the sun getting hotter?

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is it possible the sun itself is burning hotter? what is happenning on other planets in our solar system?




  1. It's our fault....for releasing carbon dioxide in the air and trapping heat.

  2. everything is same..

    but we are increasingly producing gases like CO2, which is a problem.

  3. This is not our fault except in the most miniscule way. The earth has been getting a little warmer for thousands of years, 'way before humans could have possibly had anything to do with it. The ice age "ended" and the earth has been getting warmer gradually since then.

  4. There is no evidence at all that the Sun has recently increased it output, the SOHO satellite monitors the Sun at a number of wavelengths and has for over a decade it has seen no increase. The Planets theory is also pointless as Mars and Pluto (the 2 mentioned in most posts by deniers) have totally alien climates and despite its distance from the Sun, Pluto has warmed 3 deg, 3 times more than Earth, which is not possible, if the Sun is the cause.

  5. Maybe a little of both.

  6. The sun isn't causing any heating that might be happening.   Some planets are warming while others are cooling.   Think of a shock wave as heat leaving the sun.   The further you go, the less power there is in the wave, by a factor of three.   Mars heats up by two degrees, earth heats up by 8 since earth is half the distance from the sun that mars is.

  7. Sure it's the Sun.  The Sun is the source for all heat on Earth.  Man is too small to cause any effect to the atmosphere.

    "Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy - almost throughout the last century - growth in its intensity," Abdusamatov told RIA Novosti in an interview.

    "It is no secret that when they go up, temperatures in the world's oceans trigger the emission of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the common view that man's industrial activity is a deciding factor in global warming has emerged from a misinterpretation of cause and effect relations."

    "Instead of professed global warming, the Earth will be facing a slow decrease in temperatures in 2012-2015. The gradually falling amounts of solar energy, expected to reach their bottom level by 2040, will inevitably lead to a deep freeze around 2055-2060," he said, adding that this period of global freeze will last some 50 years, after which the temperatures will go up again.

  8. You really think the sun is getting hotter Haha will that explain Hole in the O-zone layer from lots of the green house gas we make now we are more vulnerable to harmful rays like Ultra Violet rays for an example. The water is rising in the arctic from the melting Ice burgs and glaciers. Animals Up at the arctic regions, there habitat is slowly going down.we are also polluting the air with so many cars and you know ALL of this isn't from the sun!!! ALSO enviormentaly friendly atmosphere anyway. People complain there freaking fat and Americas Obesitty is going up geez get up and ride a bike! or Walk! and if your thin and don't have any of those or it's too far Use a hybrid car Atleast! We also have some more acid rain in here too. ATLEAST TRY EVEN IF YOU PEOPLE THINK ITS TOO LATE!!!! 1 recycled tin can provides 3 hours of television!!!

    Also riding a bike and even walking is like killing 2 birds with one stone Lose some weight Over weight people and get yourselves healthier even if your not overweight. we are also helping the earth if we Ride a bike or walk.

    And to you smokers who smoke alot seriously why are we wasteing medical resources on you when it's your fault the first place either get yourself out of it  since you got yourself into it the first place or just die of a specific cancer and disease because we have more important things to treat that werent from a stupid Decision

  9. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, caused by some Solar Activities by Sun. We human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    Having too little CO2 in the environment will cause for the plants to die more early, more over it also cools down the temperature on earth.

    Having too much CO2 (obiviously, not caused by humans. Mostly generated in the Sea/Oceans) will lead to Green House effect and will lead in increasing the temperature on Earth.

    So, the best is to plant more trees so that there would be a balance for the consumption of CO2 on the planet.

    I personally think that instead of thinking on this baseless issue try to think on what if Nuclear War broke out in the world, it will destroy Earth more rapidly.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

  10. Not entirely but most of the carbons are burned in America over the past 150 years.

  11. no it's all our falt.  And no the sun is not getting hotter, if the sun was doing anything of that sort it would be cooling down.  I've heard rummors that we are going though a cycle and it will get hotter then cooler (soposively that's an idea behide the ice age) becaus  of a obit much like pluto's going closer to the sun at one point and futher at others,and yes although not as extrme as pluto's we are it much the same "cycle", exept (only one problem) we're in the cooling prosecess, which is saving our butts.  So once again Yes, it's all our falt, an no, the sun IS NOT getting hotter.

  12. Many people say that global warming is our fault, because we produce methane and carbon dioxide gasses, but I think global warming is a hoax.

  13. Global warning is false...

  14. The proper place to discuss this is in an astronomy class, but the sun is NOT heating up... what will happen in about 3.5 billion years is the EXPANSION of the sun, which will end life on earth.

    I would study the science behind global warming. Here's the rough draft... like a car's window, CO2 in our atmosphere lets in heat and light, but the heat cannot get back out into space. So the planet gets hotter. Fossil fuel (oil) is carbon based and creates CO2 when burned. Since we began using fossil fuels, our CO2 atmospheric levels have raised dramatically. This creates a greenhouse effect that leads to warming.

    Warming is accelerated when ice is melted into water, because WHITE helps to reflect heat, and dark absorbs it.

    Now, knowing this basic stuff, you know your answer. We are heating our planet.

    As for the heating cycle that these buffoons are talking about, well, we ARE in a warm period, due to go back into a cooling period. The earth has been warm for 10,000 years, allowing us to develop agriculture and expand our population from the cave to the city. We should be preparing for another ice age, but thanks to the excess CO2, we are warming.

    Please, learn about these things from respectable places, such as science supported by Ivy League learning institutions, NASA, and other sources; please do not quote arguments given out by junk scientists who are paid by Exxon Mobil (such as the "sun is heating" nonsense, which even THEY will not claim anymore).

  15. The idea that the sun has been getting hotter was mostly popularized, it seems, by a film called "The Great Global Warming Swindle."  This video is far superior to "An Inconvenient Truth" in presentation and credability, but is guilty of intellectual dishonesty in its own right as well.  In the case of the sun getting hotter, they show a graph of temperature vs. sun emissions, but end it at 1980.  This is because after 1980 the emissions from the sun have not increased at all, but global temperatures have.

    I think Mars has had a temperature increase, but I know little of that.  Whatever the case is on either planet, it's probably more complex than a single factor like the sun's irradience.

  16. Mostly us.

    We KNOW it's not the Sun.  One Russian astrophysicists guess means nothing compared to the actual data.  Solar radiation on Earth has been decreasing a bit for some time.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    And most planets are not warming.  If it was the Sun, they would be.  Just a few for different reasons.  On Mars it's giant dust storms.

  17. we are killing the o zone with pollution

  18. Most of its our fault.....but i never thought the sun will do anything till now!

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