
Is global warming real? Is it a myth? I remember a teacher telling me that it wasn't...

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I remember a teacher telling me that it wasn't and that the world was just at a certain angle




  1. Global Warming seems to really be happening, but there is some controversy as to the reason.  Most scientists, as well as most people in general (including me) believe that Global Warming is being caused by carbon dioxide output by automobiles and other industrial human processes.  Some people, however, believe that Global Warming may just be a natural occurence, and cite examples in the fossil record of relatively rapid climate change as proof that our current warming trends could be caused by normal, non-human factors, like the angle of the Earth in relation to the sun.  It's up to you what you believe.

  2. We have to save the Earth, Global Warming IS happening. We can't stop it but we can slow it down.

  3. i think its real and the world is definitely getting warmer but we were said to have had the world get colder about 600 years ago that ended about 200 years ago. so were probably just coming out of it scientificly.  that's my guess.

  4. It is a scam .. The Left and Gore have pushed it to make more money..  

  5. your teacher is an idiot not to be mean or anything also some of these answers are just plain stupid like the one about teachers being liberal so they lean to the left on their opinions because liberals know global warming is real and to answer your question it is real what people are trying to prove is that if it was caused by human activities and the answer to that is yes i mean of course there is CO2 in atmosphere from respiration but most of the other chemicals are in the atmosphere because our cars and factories etc put them there

  6. Have you seen The Great Global Warming Swindle?

  7. I think its very obvious how delicate an ecosystem is.  The coral reefs are shrinking, the largest rainforest in the world;South America, is being deforested, and we are pumping more carbon into the atmosphere.  Too bad this is also happening at an exponential rate.  1/16,   1/8,   1/4,   1/2

    Thats how fast we can turn an oasis into an arid wasteland.  It happened in ancient Egypt, and it happened on Eastern Island.  We refuse to live with it, so it will leave us.

  8. Global Warming is a cyclical event which has been going on for centuries and, due to the longevity of it COULDN'T  have been caused by us. The earth has cycles of cold(the ice age) and warm(coming out of the ice age) temperatures, and has done ever since before anything like us was around. Some of the answerers on here will tell you it's all our fault, and has only been going on since the advent of chlorofluorocarbons, but please don't be fooled.

  9. For everybody that thinks global warming is a joke, get off your lazy butts and do some exploring. In far northern Canada, the Nunavut Territory, the ice fields are disappearing. The ice melts earlier every year and freezes later every year, and this is in my lifetime. The polar bears are in dire circumstances, but nut bar conservatives who have never even left their own house are telling me it's a myth.I have lived it, am living it. It's too bad people always have to attach politics to a real event. It was reported last week that in the dead of winter, an ice field is about to break away from Antarctica, but conservatives are p***y's and could not stand the cold, so they choose to ignore or lie about such things that confuse them.

  10. When I was growing up here in Alabama in the 60's and 70's we didn't have air conditioning in the schools but I don't remember it being extreamly hot in september or may. Now, temperatures in the high 90's and even 100's during those months is not uncommon. In the past few yeras there have been 90 degree days in November and there have been recent years when we had to run the air conditioner on Christmas.

    I can remember wearing a light jacket or sweater in september back in the old days. Now september is just another summer month. One other thing, we used to get at least a light dusting of snow every year back then. We got a very light dusting last year but until then it hadn't snowed since 1993.

  11. Well most people cling to the fact that of how the Earth moves as its woble, the solar system going up and down cross the galactic plain, and other giant objects making influence on earth. And also talk about how its the Earth's cycle, and explain as global warming. But to put on the other part of Global Warming is to the fact that somewhat humans did it, well lots of people disagree to that part, and that our pollutants of gas, oil, garbage, cutting down trees, etc. Which hurts our environment including the ozone layer to wipe it out. Which leads to danger of heat stroke, high altitude radiation in flights, melting ice caps, retreating glaciers, flooding, more hurricanes due to the fact of hot water, etc. And that's the most part of it except for the other one, that more people disagree on, that when the ice caps break off, there are more fresh water than salt water destablizing it, and cause Global Cooling, which makes some people say it means total nonsence. Well hope this helps.

  12. If you went ot a library and did some book research on the scientific aspects of what you would need for global warming to occur, look at physics and climate ecology. You might be able to discern for yourself if it is a myth or reality.

    MY research has shown the earth has cooled and warmed many times over the 2000 or so years we are reported to have an earth. IT will continue to do so. The known factors that contribute to changing a climate are: comic forces, volcanic, solar, gravimetric, polar alignment in orbit, tectonic shifts, gaseous releases form ocean floors, swamps and geothermal events.  

  13. As one who questions 'man-did-it' global warming, I should probably support your teacher's opinion that 'man-did-it' is a myth.  However, I sincerely believe that teachers should identify both sides of the topic.... pro and con..... and allow students to develop their own opinion.

    To answer your question, no one knows if 'man-did-it' global warming is real and it is far from being proven scientifically.  So far, scientists are only guessing that man has something to do with it.  

  14. Well no one can prove that it is happening so its really up to you after looking at the facts. I really dont think it happening, the earth is putting over 350X more co2 in the attmosphare then we are. I just think its a good way for the people to get grant money and what not.  

  15. well your teacher is wrong!!!!!!! global warming is happening! we've got to act, NOW!

  16. Real, mostly caused by us.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement saying that.  The eminent National Academy of Sciences gives the prevailing opinion.

    "The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to begin taking steps to prepare for climate change and to slow it. Human actions over the next few decades will have a major influence on the magnitude and rate of future warming. Large, disruptive changes are much more likely if greenhouse gases are allowed to continue building up in the atmosphere at their present rate. However, reducing greenhouse gas emissions will require strong national and international commitments, technological innovation, and human willpower."

  17. Well your teacher is right to a certain extent. Yes the angle of the earth does change. Yes this change does cause periods of both warming and cooling. It is also true that the burning of fossil fuels is a contributing factor to Global Warming. It is true that there are other factors. I really am sorry however that the lead line in this whole debate is Global Warming. The reason that I say this is that weather we are experiencing a period based on natural causes of either Global Warming or Global Cooling what will we be breathing no matter what the temperature is outside? The burning of fossil fuels not only has an effect on temperature but it affects the quality of the air that we breath.

  18. global warming is a natural thing that would happen anyway. even if everyone in the world lived organically.  what humans are doing to destroy the planet is severely speed up the process of global warming. I'm not saying its not bad and we should try to stop because we should.  it is definitely real.    

  19. The Global Warming scam!

    Extremist groups share a common perception about the world. They are anti-science, anti-technology, anti-trade, anti-globalization - not just free trade, but all trade.

    People who embrace extremist views and philosophies believe all large machines are inherently evil, and - worse - science is used to justify positions "that actually have nothing to do with science."

    These viewpoints are naive, including the oft-stated wish to return to a "Garden of Eden." How ironic, that these same people use cell phones, laptops and jet planes as the main tools of their trade.

  20. Global warming is necessary and natural - it's what melted the ice ages. That liberal lunatic Al Gore is a troublemaker and a liar. Hundreds of prominent scientists have now debunked his deceptions right and left. Gore should undergo a mental exam to see if he's competent enough to face civil or criminal charges.

  21. Bob is wright and wrong...GW is real the data shows it.  The data does not confirm or disprove the effects of human actions.  NOAA states on there websites that human activity could be causing up to 1/2 of global warming .  Could humans be impacting it..yes but NOAA and several other websites point out that the majority of global warming in caused by natural phenomena.

  22. Well the Earth has warmed, ever so slightly, but the cause has not been determined. There are many people who believe that man's burning of fossil fuels are to blame, but there is not any real evidence to support that theory. A lot of environmentalists and promoters of the theory use the man-made global warming scare to get people to reduce their consumption of fossil fuels and to adopt a more "Earth friendly" life style. As if we didn't already want to buy less gasoline and produce less waste. Anyway you should read the following link by a teacher, actually a college professor and a scientist, that agrees with your teacher.

  23. Some people say it's not but a parcel of studies looking at the oceans and melting Arctic ice leave no room for doubt that it is getting warmer, people are to blame, and the weather is going to suffer. So it sure is.

  24. no it used 2 b a myth, but now itz not cuze of the pollution if u dont belive me just go 2-

  25. You have to remember that most teachers are liberals, so the answers from them will lean to the left.

  26. We would still be in the middle of an ice age if global warming were just a myth.

    But that does not mean you should believe everything you hear or read about global warming. If you ask a lot of teachers you will get a lot of opinions on the topic. The value  of those opinions is not based solely on what degrees they hold, but also what they studied to get those degrees.

    There is a question whether earth is going through a period of rapid warming. There is enough data available to lead one to conclude that yes, we are in a period of global warming. But not all periods of global warming have been catastrophic.

    There is a question of whether burning fossil fuels may have caused the current period of global warming. Again it is highly likely that fossil fuel burning caused a significant part of the temperature rise, which to date does not appear to have been very great over most of earth, but significant around both poles.

    The next question to be answered is speculative. Can we stop or significantly slow global warming? It would be foolish to allow global warming unabated if we could stop it if  periods of intense global warming are likely to end with an ice age. So this may be the critical question. If we can not slow it, should we just go back to sleep?

    If we can slow or stop it, can we do so with only reduction in emissions, reduction in burning of fossil fuels? That appears to be a necessary but not necessarily sufficient remedy. We might also have to recover a large part of the CO2 put into the atmosphere, either from fossil fuels or other sources, and not yet absorbed by tghe plants on earth. We may need to get that CO2 recycled back to oxygen and wood, by growing more trees.

    We may even have to invent processes to remove CO2 or methane from the air.

    We can not offer anyone any guarantees that we can stop global warming. That would require a lot of cooperation and we can not predict that.

  27. Its true!!!

  28. It is real.

    EVERY major scientific organization says it's real and mostly caused by us.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    The bottom line:

    This is science and what counts is the data, not people's intuition.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

  29. Man made global warming is a myth.  The earth has natural waming and cooling cycles. Remember the ice age they taught you about in third grade? In the '70's they said we were headed for another one.  31,000 scientists say global warming is a hoax. It is just another way to redistribute the world's wealth.

  30. Global warming is a myth perpetrated by those who wish to control every aspect of our lives.  They scare you with huge lies about how the world is about to end in a huge disaster of epic proportions unless you Joe 6-pack change your ways and cut your "carbon footprint".  The people saying this like Al Gore still use their private jets and use all the energy they want to and even profit from this with the "carbon offsets".  Al Gore pays himself in the form of a company which you pay to mitigate your carbon usage.  Problem is that it is just another set up of environmentalist just to get your money for nothing.

    The facts are the sea ice this summer is 500,000 sq miles larger than last summer in the Arctic.  The variations are normal mostly dictated by the solar cycle which is now going into a cooler period as sun spot activity calms.  Add to it any major volcanic eruption will lower global temps by a degree or two.  The sun and volcanoes are what control the temperature and there is over 40,000 scientist and growing who say it is a lie that man is causing any climate change.   The latest a scientist from Australia who after years of searching for the tale tell signs of CO2 causing global warming realized that the hot spots in the atmosphere which should exist if this was true are not there and not been there anytime since research began.

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