
Is global warming real or a scare tatic?

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Is global warming real or a scare tatic?




  1. its real...

  2. Its real and the best reason we have come up with to stamp on the economic development of the thrid world. Can't have them burning fuel to enjoy the advantages we have, can we - that would not be right.

    What we need is to stop them using energy. And presto we are already doing it - the world bank guidelines for investment in Africa would not allow them enough electricity each to even light a bulb.

    Hurrah for us.

    By the way - this is not ironic - it is the greatest human tragedy that will play out in your life with the poor suffering at the hands of the rich.

  3. It is real. A real scare tactic. Even the scientists who most ardently say we need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are aware that carbon dioxide alone can only account for something like 1% of the warming seen. The rest has to come from as yet unproven positive feedback mechanisms, such as higher humidity or fewer clouds or more methane or whatever. But it COULD also come from a totally independent cause, possibly one not in our control. But the political activists don't want to admit that possibility. They don't even want to talk about the fact that carbon dioxide is only responsible for 1% of the warming. They want to say that the 1% carbon dioxide contribution is definitely proved to be causing the other 99% feedback mechanism. But that is not true.

  4. Global warming is as real as you and I. It isn't a scare tactic. But we almost have to scare people to believe us. There's scientific proof, but the public is still doubting it.

    STOP DOUBTING AND BELIEVE!!! Global warming is effecting us more than you know it. And everything in the world is at stake here. The flowers blooming when they're supposed to bloom. Trees changing colors when they're supposed to change. Snow falling when it's supposed to fall. We're effecting all of this, and doing nothing about it. Our kids and our kid's kids are going to look up to us one day and say, "did you know?".

    And it's not just about our kids live, either. Ours will be effected as well. Do you want to have clean air to beathe? Do you want to go outside and it not look like a war field? There's so much one individual can do, but like I said, we're doing nothing about it, and that's what's sad.

  5. It's real. What possible reason would there be for it to be a scare tactic?

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