
Is global warming real??

by Guest32351  |  earlier

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Im like many americans I dont really have an opinion on global warming but I always assumed it was real. but now there is this big debate about it saying it is not real. so I looked into it and found out since 1998 the earth has cooled every year the holes in the ozone layer are closing and the ice sheets are returning to normal. so how can global warming be real? is it just a conspiracy like 2012 or somthing?




  1. Yes, it's real.  There are lots of websites you can go to, to prove to yourself, that global warming is real. Just search it on Google.

  2. You can read the peer group publications on the net, like EurekAlert and get the straight scoop. The core samples taken from the poles shows immense changes to the atmosphere, more than it has recorded for millions of years. This will have an effect regardless if it is Human stupidity or purely natural.

    The Earth is really big, so it takes awhile to change much, but while the next few years should show a decline in global temperatures, the overall result should be pretty hot after that.

    And Human or natural, we will have to deal with it.

  3. just because one volcano creates lots of carbon dioxide, that doesnt means we should continue polluting.

    there are more benefits when living greener. think of the people with lung problems. we are making things more worse.

  4. LOL LOL LOL global warming is a natural cycle in the earth....Just so you know we are due for an iceage and it always heats up before it cools down

  5. yes, seen any polar bear documentries... OR THE NEWS, lately?


  7. it is real, here, we are already experiencing it...

  8. Let me post a section from one of the sites that Amy L listed:

    "While evidence is strong to support the notion of human contribution to the global warming problem, an alternative view is that recent global warming is a natural occurrence.  Some theorists believe that the Earth's climate works in a cycle, cooling, and then warming itself.  Scientists point out the fact that 75 million years ago, the Earth's average temperature was ten degrees higher than it is today.  Conditions were warmer and more humid, but life sustained. (

        Another phenomenon to take into account is the "little ice age", which occurred from 1550-1850 A.D.  Conditions around the world were cooler than usual; many bodies of water froze over.  The average global temperature since the little ice age has risen by one degree Fahrenheit!  Shouldn't it be expected that after that ice age was over that the temperature on Earth would rise at least one degree?

        The bottom line is that it may seem that only human actions are causing global warming, but it is very possible that global warming is nothing to worry about and is just part of the global temperature cycle.  Both theories are credible, but neither has yet been proven."


    And that is the truth plain and simple.  Neither has been proven and probably neither can be proven.  The other thing that cannot be proven is whether the earth has capabilities to deal with global warming.  The truth is that this earth and all the systems that impact weather are not sufficiently understood at this point.  

    One more thing - even if man made global warming is happening there is uncertainty about what the net balance of effects would be.

  9. Its very real-hopefully people will listen before it is too late!

  10. As real as Santa Claus & Harry Porter.

    My 2 cents.

  11. What I would have to say to that is, did the ice age happen because of us humans? We can say what we want to about Global Warming, but I am taking a closer look at floods, earthquakes, fires and Revelations. I am not an expert, nor a bible thumper. I also question how close to a situation the writers of the Bible were, but I think we can overcome pollution. Can we overcome the final judement?

  12. Why dont you look at our recent whether and form your own opinion?

  13. Yes.

  14. Yes!!! ofcourse! go to and read everything! this website tells you  what global warming is and how it happens and how you can help!

  15. Where did you look?

    How do you go from humans polluting & altering the earth's atmospheres, land and oceans to such a degree that our health suffers and science demonstrates that impacts may be affecting our climate, to a conspiracy?

    I visit government sites, U.S. and otherwise, and universities with programs involved in various aspects of research.

    The more accurate term is global climate change, and if you read up on it from a variety of reputable sites it will answer your questions.

  16. I know I am in a different category here as to answering your question, but I do not believe in global warming. It is foretold in the Bible of the end times and even points out that it will get very hot , so hot you can't take it in the end times. All that is written in Revelations is happening already. I believe it is the work and the hand of God. Whether you believe in Him or not and Revelations speaks in metaphors and is there in the Bible.

  17. Funny how people try to justify an answer with misinformation. Global warming has not been tied to typhoons or any such weather. As a matter of fact, all the science we have on 'global warming' seems to indicate that it is a natural cycle, if your in doubt, look up newspapers spanning 100 years, we've had 2 cycles so far, going into a 3rd. We were supposedly heading for a mini ice age in the 70's...Gee....I wonder what happened there.

    And all this BS talk about carbon footprints, if the earth cooled 1/2 a degree in 2007 due to less sunspot activity, then shouldn't that evil CO2 had kept the earth warming if it was really responsible for it in the first place ?

    Some people just have too much time on their hands, and Al Gore and company are getting rich off the moron's in the world. Give me a break, people turning their whole life upside down for a hoax.

    Lets take a break from the false web sites, the lies from paid scientists, the poor polar bears have increased in population from 12k in the 60's to 25K why are they on the endangered species list ? It is a conspiracy. One that the elitists started, the liberals proliferated and the government has fallen hook line and sinker for all due to pressure on the issue. You can link all you want but i've seen those sites, and many make wrong assumptions and base alot on bad science.

    Tell me why the supposed "hole" in the ozone was the largest its ever been in an expedition in 1956......before the wide use of CFC's ? But we changed policy, got rid of the substance for use. And the hole never closed. Instead we built things we use all the time out of different and sometimes inferior products. Why do you think the space shuttle columbia blew up ? Inferior heat shields, one result of a changed product due to enviromentalism gone stupid.

    The ocean is the main source of CO2 and the sun is the main source for heating. Doesn't matter what you callit, global warming, climate change...whatever.....its all fake science because weather models can be interpretted any way you want to. They do not include every possible influence.

    If it isn't a conspiracy, then you tell me why reputable scientists in the early days were losing their grants and research funding for exposing global warming as a fraud ?

    Tell me why we are having this supposed 10 year interuption in the "heating" cycle. You can't, because it isn't a problem, it isn't a crisis, and it isn't happening.

    If the socialists and liberals want to do "so much good" for people, then why are they effecting everyone's life, raising the cost of living and turning things upside down and making a mess over something science has shown isn't happening ?

    Time for some people to get educated and stop wearing their heart on their sleeve.

  18. yeah i think its real. have you not notice the weather is changing unpredictably, typhoons are getting stronger and summers are unusually hot?

    pollution is everywhere and it wont stop if we dont act to care for our earth.

  19. Really??? I don't feel the heat instead i've been feeling the chills! So i guess it's no true.... Weather does what it wants... BTW, remember the pinatube eruption? guess not!

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