
Is global warming the biggest scam of the 21st century?

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  1. Global warming is fact, just not for the same reasons many would have us believe. People are certainly being scammed because they are made to feel responsible for an act of nature over which they have little if any control. I go along with it because I think people should clean up their messes so as not to live in a trash bin.

  2. Wow, a link to an internet right wing op-ed column. You've sure got a lot of credible evidence behind you Tom! I mean, I would've expected something along the lines of scientific data; naturally, seeing as AGW is a scientific concept (no matter how you look at it, proponent or skeptic or denier) it would be best to refute it using science. Alas, all you can find is a single right wing op-ed, or whatever that is.

  3. Why is it that Republicans are utterly incapable of citing peer-reviewed science, if they truly believe global warming is a scam?

    Answer: because THERE IS NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that it is a scam. Not one. What we see are pages and pages of opinion like this one, unbuttressed by the slightest shred of real data.

  4. Yes, I'm sure a TV weatherman is more expert about climate science than climate scientists.  Give me a break.

    No, it's impossible for global warming to be a scam.  Please see Myth #6 here:

    And please take some time to educate yourself on the science behind global warming.  A good place to start:

  5. NO!!!!!!

    It was the biggest scam of the 20th century.  

    The warming stopped in 1998, has since receded somewhat, and people are starting to jump off the bandwagon as the warming recedes.

    They knew that would happen, that's why they were in such a hurry to get their agenda passed "while we still have time."

    "While there's still time" meant "before we have a few cooler years and people stop believing us."

    Too late!!!!!

  6. First of all since when does Weather affect The Economy? The price of Gasoline goes up because of Supply and Demand, among other factors which are tied into the Economy not Global Warming. Global Warming has been around for Decades first notice able in the 70's. There are numerous Organizations and institutions that support Global Warming. The EPA, NOAA, and NASA just to name a few all agree Global warming is real! Do you think Al Gore can affect the Results of their Findings? Carbon Emissions from Cars aren't the only thing that affect Global Warming. If you did your research you would know that as Trees die they release the Carbon Dioxide they stored during their Life times. Have you people ever heard of Deforestation!? Not to mention all the Coral Reefs that are being Destroyed! which also contain tons of Carbon Dioxide. Oh and if this is news to you The Global Temperature has been Going up not Down! Have you seen the Graphs that show the average temperature rising from 1980 till now? The temperature hasn't drop in any year since then. The reason people try to warn people about Global Warming is not to cause panic or Hysteria. I have yet to see someone jump of a Building of fear of being killed by Global Warming. We are only trying to help the Environment, I cant see how that's going to cause the collapse of Society.

  7. OMG! u r so right! and the people who call  houses all the time asking for money to stop*  Global Warming, they take that money and buy caviar, lobster and everything else that costs a billlion dollars!

  8. It seems destined to become the largest religion in the world, so the answer would have to be YES.

  9. Who knows

  10. Please, don't quote John Coleman, this person has no advanced training in either climate or weather. He has a minor in meteorology, that's it. He has made a living as a weather "personality" and was smart enough to start the Weather Channel and then sell it at a loss, brilliant.

  11. "The climate of Earth is changing. It has always changed. '"

    I love this argument. but what they always leave out is that climate has been relatively stable for the past oh say 5000 years of our civilization. Yes there have been mini-ice ages and whatnot, but our current climate is ideal for humans.

    I also like how he can make judgments about carbon dioxide effects. You can ask any chemist.  Atmospheric CO2 creates background noise in IR spectroscopy (proof that it is in fact a "greenhouse gas")

    what an idiot. i bet he hasn't even passed calculus I.

  12. yes

  13. yeah its a conspiracy, and aliens did land at roswell, and th holocaust and ww2 never happened.

  14. Wow, I've heard of this guy but never read that essay before...hey, where is the bibliography?  There are an awful lot of scientific claims in there, but I don't see any links or references to back a single one of them up with documented research.  It's nicely written, but without the documentation, it's pretty much just a puff piece.  Does he go into any credible detail elsewhere?

  15. Is somebody trying to make money out of this,a so called revolution but why aren't the the so called capitalist complaining.

  16. We Americans do live in a culture of fear, which is pushed by the media.  The fact that the media have jumped on global warming as something scary to talk about, should be no surprise.  As pointed out in that speech, the news has scared people before with killer bees and Y2K.

    Does that mean it's fake?  No.

    And who, may I ask, do you believe is benefitting from this "conspiracy?"  Some deniers seem to think it's a liberal/socialist scam, while others seem to think it's about the rich getting richer.

    EDIT:  Tomhale, it's funny you should mention that.  I remember in the months just before the Iraq invasion, George Bush claiming Iraq had WMD's and everybody seemed to believe him.  I happened to be taking a class called "Philosophy of War and Peace" at the time, so maybe I was paying more attention than most, but I didn't believe it for a minute because he had NO sources at all.

  17. Finally people are waking up, it's b.s created by the elite.

  18. I never thought of it in that way, but now that you put it out there.  That is something to think about.  You may be on to something.

  19. No!! Global Warming is the happening now...and the impact will be more obvious in the next coming years if we the humans ignore this and do nothing to reduce or stop it.

    Nobody would like to get benefits or limelight out of this topic as most of these organisations are of non-profit and are trying hard or even sacrificing themselves and own comfort in order to make us realised the seriousness of this problem.

    It's not just about physical issue, in fact it involves ethical and moral issues that people should pay attention to if we were to call ourselves humans living in a civilized century. The new century will be desired by most of us to be of more peace and compassion including treating our animal companions and natural environment in a humane way.

  20. sure, bigger even than wmd in iraq

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