
Is god an alien?? Was Jesus an alien?

by Guest58329  |  earlier

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All of this 'Not Of This World' stuff has me thinking. . . . .

Definition of 'alien':

-foreigner: a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

-not contained in or deriving from the essential nature of something; "an economic theory alien to the spirit of capitalism"; "the mysticism so foreign to the French mind and temper"; "jealousy is foreign to her nature"

-stranger: anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found

-being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world; "alien customs"; "exotic plants in a greenhouse"; "exotic cuisine"

-estrange: arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness; "She alienated her friends when she became fanatically religious"

-extraterrestrial being: a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere




  1. no telling,but me he is a energy being of love and consciousness

  2. Actually that is right, many years ago I pondered on that very phrase and after studying it in its original usage it does mean "not of this planet."

  3. I'm curious as to why you place god in present tense and jesus in past tense.

    Biblically, that makes no sense.

  4. God is a full Alien...yes.

    Jesus...when he comes back...can get naturalized as a citizen...or a work visa...otherwise we're sending him back...

  5. Why does God need a starship? Because Jefferson hijacked His first one.

  6. God is an alien in a sense that He created the universe without becoming a part of it. Transcendence is the theological term for this. God is transcendent but he became immanent when He became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ.

  7. Hahaha! E.T. meets the Passion of the Christ.

  8. If you wanted to, you could probably interpret the Bible to mean that.  

    EDIT:  But really, the Christian God sent a worldwide flood, parted the Red Sea, and talked to people through burning vegetation (among other things).  He sure sounds like he is "of this world."

  9. I don't think the Middle Eastern character ever existed. He was probably a combination of Horus, Krishna, and Buddha. There is no proof that he ever existed. Was Horus an alien? Who knows? Horus was probably an exceptional human as was Krishna.

  10. my gardener Jesus is an alien, but we're working on getting his green card

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