
Is god black? plz help!?

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i just wanted to know cuz pple believe and idk what ethnicity god is. help!




  1. God is a spirit and is not the Morgan Freeman we as Americans portray him to be. He is in the likness of us and vice-versa but he is free of sin.

  2. God is not human therefore he has no ethnicity.

  3. God is all the colors of the world.

  4. i know this answer. i heard someone answer it at church who knows everything about the bible, but i dont know where to tell you it is.

    somewhere in the scriptures(dont know where) it talks about jusus' feet being as if they came out of a furnace. that is where the original race confusion comes in. people thought that since they came from a furnace they must be as soot. black. well that is incorrect. see when something comes out of the furnace it is blazing hot. when something is that hot, it is like molten metal- a very bright white. he is white.

    also, if you read in the scriptures (i think its acutally in the book of mormon-another testement of jesus christ) it talks about how the people were sinning and being bad, and so god put a curse on the men and women who were sinning and every one who kept in contact with them. the curse was that he made their skin dark so that you could tell which people were good and which were sinning against him. since we were all made in gods image-and jesus was too- that means we were all originally white. eventually the dark skinned people became good and everything, but the skin stayed the same color since it had been so long, and now we have different races becuase of it.

    thats it.  

  5. God is any color you want him to be! Just believe!!

  6. He's nothing but a figment of people's imaginations.

    If he was real, people wouldn't know anyway would they!

  7. God is every race and no race at the same time. He is the father of all children on this earth and therefore can be any race, but he is a spiritual and holy being and therefore is not of any particular ethnicity.

  8. Race is something that seems important to some human beings, but I feel that God is beyond that. I would guess that God does not have a specific race or nationality, any more than any other spiritual being does. God is not human. True, Christians feel that He did have a human incarnation on Earth as Jesus Christ; hence, because of His humanity, Jesus did have an ethnic background. But God, as a spiritual force, would likely be transcendent of human concepts such as race. If it is helpful to your spiritual progress to consider God as black, then do so. But in the long run, I think that race is generally irrelevant when discussing most deities.

  9. oh dear. Look into the theories of human migration. Ethnicity is 100% based on long term regional UVA exposure, nothing more.

  10. God is non-existent.

  11. No one has ever seen or heard "God" so no one has the first idea. Your guess is as good as anyone else. What do you think?. All you can hope for from a question like that is a lot of wild but most entertaining speculative and imaginative answers.

  12. God has no gender, no color and no limited power.  

  13. John 4:24

    "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

  14. Why do u even wanna kno? dnt worry about hiz color just thnk god hes still up there in heaven

  15. God isn't human. God is beyond human. God has no ethnicity, gender... God is a consciousness. That's all I know...

  16. God has no color.  

  17. Physical form only exist is the material, not in the Spiritual. God may present Himself as anything He so chooses.

  18. I don't think God is any color but Jesus was middle eastern. It says God created us in his image but I have to wonder if that was meant to be more of a metaphor. I doubt God has bad hair days or has to use acne treatments.....

  19. God doesn't have an ethnicity.

    Really there is no black, white, asian, it's all just different genetic traits.

  20. It makes no difference what so ever.

  21. I never thought about what color He may or may not be.

  22. Of course He's black!!!  He has wooly hair!!!

    Well, not really.  The verse actually does not say He has wooly hair, only hair "white like wool."  And that was just a vision.

    In truth, God is a Spirit, which means he has no human ethnicity.

    God's Son, Jesus Christ, was in his human identity a Jew.  But the Jews of that time were Semites, not Hamites.  In other words, they were not black.

    But that doesn't matter either, since Jesus' salvific work was for "all tribes, and peoples, and nations, and tongues."

    God doesn't care about colors or race.  He has neither.

    Nor does He have human gender, but since he's called Father, the usual referent is "he."

  23. Well, honestly we don't know what He looks like. We do know that according to the Bible, we were made in his image. Now, Jesus was Jewish and lived in Israel...but that doesn't mean that God would look any particular way. It's a very good question, but I believe it's something we will find out once we reach heaven.

  24. GOD is GOD, what color?  every color.  What nationality?  every nationality  What type of hair? ALL TYPES.  GOD can be what you need HIM to be when you NEED him to be.  GOD is GOD and that is all that matters.

  25. god has no image .... the moment you comare god with any thing you have is not god...theres nothing like him in universe

  26. Fictional characters can be and race you want them to be.

  27. Genesis tells us that we are created in Gods image. That was before we were actually formed. So God is invisible.

  28. actually he's a dog...that's why they call him god.. and race, well he's a cocker  spaniel  

  29. Jesus is God, and He loves you very much  :)

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  30. it has no gender nor color, it is beyond our human comparisons in this reality

  31. God is beyond ethnicity.

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