
Is goddess kali sadhana dangourous.?

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I'm started kali sadhana for a specific reason thhat i don't wanna share but is it dangourous.




  1. dont go for tantric sadhana..

    every Goddess is like mother and mother doesnt harm her kids.

  2. yea,this sadhna is dangereous if it is done in a wrong saying wrong mantras and all  because it is mostly done to kill the effects of evil..

  3. Goddess Kali  is associated with death and destruction Although sometimes presented as black and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilation still has some influence.Kali's association with blackness stands in contrast to her consort, Shiva, whose body is covered by the white ashes of the cremation ground (Sanskrit: śmaśāna) in which he meditates, and with which Kali is also associated, as śmaśāna-kālÄ«.Goddesses play an important role in the study and practice of Tantra

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